About the Wix eCommerce Platform Handbook

The Wix eCommerce platform is a comprehensive suite of services tailored to address standard and specialized needs in online selling. This handbook is for software developers interested in using the Wix eCommerce platform to develop sites, apps, or business solutions that sell.

The handbook provides:

The handbook doesn’t provide:

  • Detailed instructions for tasks that aren’t specific to the eCommerce platform, such as creating a Wix site, customizing a site using code, building a Wix App, or connecting an external site with Wix using Wix Headless. For these processes, the guide refers readers to the appropriate documentation resources and fills in any details that are specific to working with the eCommerce platform.
  • Detailed specifications for Wix eCommerce APIs. For these, consult the reference documentation for the Wix eCommerce APIs ( REST | JavaScript SDK | Velo ).

The handbook assumes that the reader is:

  • A developer interested in using the Wix eCommerce platform to develop a site, app, feature, or business solution.
  • Familiar with Wix as a site-creation platform, or capable of becoming familiar with the relevant features.
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