When you call an API, the response you'll receive will include a status code. If something went wrong, you'll receive an error code that defines the type of error that occurred.
HTTP Status Code | Description |
200 - OK | Success. |
400 - Bad Request | One or more request parameters is wrong or missing, or you didn't pass validation. |
401 - Unauthorized | The system wasn't able to authenticate you (missing or incorrect Authorization header, expired token, etc.). |
403 - Forbidden | The system authenticated you, but you don’t have permissions to call this API. |
404 - Not found | Resource not found / doesn't exist. |
409 - Conflict | The resource you are attempting to create already exists. |
429 - Too many requests | Resource usage was exhausted (e.g., a previously used one-time-token). |
500 - Internal server error | An error occurred on Wix's server. Try again later. |
501 - Not implemented | The endpoint hasn't been implemented yet. |
503 - Service unavailable | The service that you’re trying to access is temporarily unavailable. Try again later. |
504 - Gateway timeout | The underlying service didn't respond in a timely manner. Try again later. |