Clone Event

Clones an event, including the registration form, notifications, multilingual translations and ticket configuration from the original event.

The new event's date is automatically set to 14 days from the original event date.

If an event with the same title already exists, the new event's title gets a sequence number. For example, if you clone an event named "Leather Crafting 101", the new event's title is "Leather Crafting 101 (1)".

You can change the required entity field values while cloning an event.


You can only call this method when authenticated as a Wix app or Wix user identity.

Manage Events - all permissions
Manage Events
Learn more about app permissions.

Path Params

Event ID.

Body Params

Field values to be changed when cloning the event.


Whether to clone the event as a draft.

fieldsArray <string>maxItems 20

Predefined sets of fields to return. If both fields and fieldsets are sent in the request, the union of both lists is returned.

Response Object

Cloned event.

Clone event
curl -X POST '' \ -H 'Authorization: <AUTH TOKEN>' \ -d '{ "draft": true, "fields": ["DETAILS", "TEXTS", "REGISTRATION", "URLS", "FORM", "DASHBOARD", "ONLINE_CONFERENCING_SESSION", "SEO_SETTINGS", "AGENDA", "CATEGORIES"] }'
{ "event": { "id": "88e3ccdb-cab7-48e1-85a9-1d4a9430357f", "location": { "name": "San Jose Convention Center", "type": "VENUE", "address": { "country": "US", "subdivision": "CA", "city": "San Jose", "postalCode": "95113", "streetAddress": { "number": "150", "name": "West San Carlos Street", "apt": "", "formattedAddressLine": null }, "addressLine2": null, "formattedAddress": "150 W San Carlos St, San Jose, CA 95113, USA", "hint": null, "geocode": { "latitude": 37.3284838, "longitude": -121.8881933 }, "countryFullName": "United States", "subdivisions": [ { "code": "CA", "name": "California", "type": "ADMINISTRATIVE_AREA_LEVEL_1", "typeInfo": null }, { "code": "Santa Clara County", "name": "Santa Clara County", "type": "ADMINISTRATIVE_AREA_LEVEL_2", "typeInfo": null }, { "code": "San Jose", "name": "San Jose", "type": "ADMINISTRATIVE_AREA_LEVEL_3", "typeInfo": null }, { "code": "Downtown San Jose", "name": "Downtown San Jose", "type": "ADMINISTRATIVE_AREA_LEVEL_4", "typeInfo": null }, { "code": "US", "name": "United States", "type": "COUNTRY", "typeInfo": null } ], "subdivisionFullName": null }, "locationTbd": false }, "dateAndTimeSettings": { "dateAndTimeTbd": false, "dateAndTimeTbdMessage": null, "startDate": "2023-07-26T16:00:00Z", "endDate": "2023-07-27T16:00:00Z", "timeZoneId": "America/Yellowknife", "hideEndDate": false, "showTimeZone": false, "recurrenceStatus": "ONE_TIME", "recurringEvents": { "individualEventDates": [], "categoryId": null }, "formatted": { "dateAndTime": "26 July 2023 at 10:00 – 27 July 2023 at 10:00", "startDate": "26 July 2023", "startTime": "10:00", "endDate": "27 July 2023", "endTime": "10:00" } }, "title": "TechXpo 2023: Innovation and Future Trends Unveiled (1)", "shortDescription": "Step into a world where technology takes center stage, as groundbreaking innovations, cutting-edge gadgets, and revolutionary ideas converge.", "mainImage": null, "slug": "techxpo-2023-innovation-and-future-trends-unveiled-1", "languageCode": "en", "createdDate": "2023-07-12T11:14:22.410Z", "updatedDate": "2023-07-12T11:14:22Z", "status": "UPCOMING", "registration": { "type": "RSVP", "status": "OPEN_RSVP", "rsvp": { "responseType": "YES_ONLY", "limit": null, "waitlistEnabled": false, "startDate": null, "endDate": null }, "tickets": { "guestsAssignedSeparately": false, "ticketLimitPerOrder": 50, "stockManagerAppId": null, "currency": null, "lowestPrice": null, "highestPrice": null, "soldOut": true, "taxSettings": null }, "external": null, "allowedGuestTypes": "VISITOR_OR_MEMBER", "initialType": "RSVP", "registrationPaused": false, "registrationDisabled": false }, "calendarUrls": { "google": "", "ics": "" }, "eventPageUrl": { "base": "", "path": "/event-details-registration/techxpo-2023-innovation-and-future-trends-unveiled-1" }, "form": { "controls": [ { "type": "NAME", "system": true, "name": "name", "inputs": [ { "name": "firstName", "array": false, "label": "First name", "additionalLabels": {}, "options": [], "mandatory": true, "maxLength": 50, "type": "TEXT", "maxSize": null, "defaultOptionSelection": null, "labels": [] }, { "name": "lastName", "array": false, "label": "Last name", "additionalLabels": {}, "options": [], "mandatory": true, "maxLength": 50, "type": "TEXT", "maxSize": null, "defaultOptionSelection": null, "labels": [] } ], "label": "First name, Last name", "orderIndex": 0, "id": "name" }, { "type": "INPUT", "system": true, "name": "email", "inputs": [ { "name": "email", "array": false, "label": "Email", "additionalLabels": {}, "options": [], "mandatory": true, "maxLength": 255, "type": "TEXT", "maxSize": null, "defaultOptionSelection": null, "labels": [] } ], "label": "Email", "orderIndex": 1, "id": "email" } ], "messages": { "rsvp": { "rsvpYesOption": "I'm Going", "rsvpNoOption": "Not Going", "positiveMessages": { "title": "Add your details", "confirmation": { "title": "Thank you!", "message": "An email with all the event info was sent to you.", "addToCalendarActionLabel": "Add to Calendar", "shareActionLabel": "Share" } }, "waitlistMessages": { "title": "Looks like this event is full. Join the waitlist.", "confirmation": { "title": "Thanks! You've been added to the waitlist.", "message": "We'll update you if additional spots become available.", "addToCalendarActionLabel": "Add to Calendar", "shareActionLabel": "Share" } }, "negativeMessages": { "title": "Add your details", "confirmation": { "title": "Sorry You Can't Make It", "shareActionLabel": "Share" } }, "submitActionLabel": "SUBMIT" }, "checkout": { "title": "Add your details", "submitActionLabel": "Continue" }, "registrationClosed": { "message": "Registration is closed", "exploreEventsActionLabel": "See other events" }, "ticketsUnavailable": { "message": "Tickets are not on sale", "exploreEventsActionLabel": "See other events" } } }, "summaries": { "rsvps": { "totalCount": 0, "yesCount": 0, "noCount": 0, "waitlistCount": 0 }, "tickets": { "ticketsSold": 0, "revenue": null, "currencyLocked": false, "totalOrders": 0, "totalSales": null } }, "instanceId": "1f6dc906-803d-4650-83f5-72ea1d88100b", "guestListSettings": { "displayedPublicly": true }, "userId": "8a8b9b73-4da8-47a5-8268-4396e68a0605", "feed": null, "onlineConferencing": { "enabled": false, "providerId": null, "providerName": "", "type": -1, "session": { "hostLink": "", "guestLink": "", "password": null, "sessionCreated": null, "sessionId": null } }, "seoSettings": null, "contactLabel": "custom.techxpo-2023-innovation-and-future-trends-unveil-1", "agendaSettings": { "enabled": false, "pageUrl": { "base": "", "path": "/schedule/techxpo-2023-innovation-and-future-trends-unveiled-1" } }, "categories": [] } }

This method doesn’t return any custom errors, but may return standard errors. Learn more about standard Wix errors.

Event TriggersThis method triggers the following events:
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