About the Services V2 API

The Bookings Services V2 API allows you to create, manage, and retrieve the services a business offers to customers. Businesses can offer appointment-based services, classes, and courses. Each service defines its price, when events take place, how long they last, where they take place, which staff can provide them and which booking policies exist. For example, the latest time customers can book, and whether they can reschedule or cancel.

With the Services V2 API, you can:

  • Create services.
  • Manage services.
  • Retrieve and count services.

More about services

A service is an online or in-person offering that a business provides to its customers.

Service examples

A fitness studio may offer the following services:

  • 1-hour Pilates class every Monday and Thursday.
  • 30-minute 1-on-1 personal training.
  • Course to become a yoga instructor 3 times a week from August to December.

A hair salon may offer these services:

  • 30-minute haircut appointments.
  • 2-hour hair coloring appointments.
  • Course to become a hair stylist every weekday from January to March.

Service types

Wix Bookings supports 3 different types of services:

  • Appointments: An appointment is a 1-time event that a customer can book at a time of their choice during the business hours.
    For example, a 30-minute haircut.
  • Classes: A class is a single event or a series of recurring events that multiple customers can book. Classes may continue indefinitely, without a pre-defined end date. Events may take place on different days of the week, at different times, and with different resources, such as staff members. Customers can book a single or multiple events.
    For example, a beginners Cross Fit class every Monday at 8:00 PM and every Wednesday at 7:00 PM. Customers can join session of their choice without committing to attend all sessions.
  • Courses: A course starts and ends on pre-defined dates with a limited number of events that multiple customers can book. In contrast to classes, customers must book the entire course and can't book individual events.
    For example, a once-a-week 12-event introductory course to Pilates, starting on February 1st and ending on March 17th.

Learn more about service types (SDK | REST).

Before you begin

It’s important to note the following points before starting to code:

  • Wix Bookings must be installed on a site before you can use the Services V2 APIs.
  • Learn more about service payments (SDK | REST).
  • In the live site, Wix Bookings display services ordered by category to customers. You can use the Categories API (SDK | REST) to manage service categories.
  • You can use the Service Options and Variants API (SDK | REST) to define service variants instead of setting up different objects for closely related business offerings.
  • Resource management: You can use the Resources (SDK | REST) and Resource Types (SDK | REST) APIs to manage resources such as rooms, equipment, or other assets. By linking resource types to specific services, you ensure that a service can only be booked when the necessary resources are available and prevent double bookings.

Use Cases

  • Periodically export new services to an external catalog (SDK | REST).


For a comprehensive glossary of Wix Bookings terms, see Terminology (SDK | REST).

See also

For more in-depth service management, see:

  • Categories API (SDK | REST): Manage how services are grouped in the live site when displayed to customers.
  • Service Options and Variants API (SDK | REST): Manage custom options and variants for services. For example, pricing based on session duration or location.
  • Staff Members API (SDK | REST): Manage staff members and their working schedules.
  • Booking Policies API (SDK | REST): Manage policies determining if and how customers can book, reschedule, and cancel.
  • Locations API (SDK | REST): Manage business locations. Note that businesses can also provide services at a location of the customer's choice, or at a custom location that is not a business location. Learn more about service locations (SDK | REST).
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