Session ID.
ID of the schedule that the session belongs to.
ID of the resource or service that the session's schedule belongs to.
Original start date and time of the session in ISO 8601 format.
An object specifying the start date and time of the session. If the session is a recurring session, start must contain a localDateTime.
An object specifying the end date and time of the session. The end time must be after the start time and be same type as start. If the session is a recurring session, end must contain a localDateTime.
An object specifying a list of schedules and the way each schedule's availability is affected by the session. For example, the schedule of an instructor is affected by sessions of the class that they instruct. The array is inherited from the schedule and can be overridden even if the session is a recurring session.
Session title. The value is inherited from the schedule and can be overridden unless the session is a recurring session.
Tags for the session. The value is inherited from the schedule and can be overridden unless the session is a recurring session.
An object describing the location where the session takes place. Defaults to the schedule location. For single sessions, session.location.businessLocation can only be provided for locations that are defined in the schedule using schedule.location or schedule.availability.locations.
Maximum number of participants that can be added to the session. Defaults to the schedule capacity. The value is inherited from the schedule and can be overridden unless the session is a recurring session.
Deprecated. Please use the Booking Services V2 payment instead.
Time reserved after the session end time, derived from the schedule availability constraints and the time between slots. Read-only. If the session is a recurring session, this field must be empty.
Additional information about the session. Notes are not supported for recurring sessions.
The number of participants booked for the session. Read-only. Calculated as the sum of the party sizes.
Partial list* list of participants booked for the session. The list includes participants who have registered for this specific session, and participants who have registered for a schedule that includes this session. If the session is a recurring session, this field must be empty. To retrieve the full list of session participants please use the Query Extended Bookings API.
A list of properties for which values were inherited from the schedule. This does not include participants that were inherited from the schedule.
Deprecated and will be removed soon.
Session status.
Recurring interval ID. Defined when a session will be a recurring session. read-only. Optional. For exmaple, when creating a class service with recurring sessions, you add a recurrence rule to create recurring sessions. This field is omitted for single sessions or instances of recurring sessions. Specified when the session was originally generated from a schedule recurring interval. Deprecated. Use recurringSessionId.
The ID of the recurring session if this session is an instance of a recurrence. Use this ID to update the recurrence and all of the instances.
Session type.
A conference created for the session according to the details set in the schedule's conference provider information. If the session is a recurring session, this field is inherited from the schedule. Partially deprecated. Only hostUrl and guestUrl are to be supported.
A string representing a recurrence rule (RRULE) for a recurring session, as defined in iCalendar RFC 5545. If the session is an instance of a recurrence pattern, the instanceOfRecurrence property will be contain the recurrence rule and this property will be empty. The RRULE defines a rule for repeating a session. Supported parameters are:
Keyword | Description | Supported values |
FREQ | The frequency at which the session is recurs. Required. | WEEKLY |
INTERVAL | How often, in terms of FREQ, the session recurs. Default is 1. Optional. | |
UNTIL | The UTC end date and time of the recurrence. Optional. | |
BYDAY | Day of the week when the event should recur. Required. | One of: MO, TU, WE, TH, FR, SA, SU |
For example, a session that repeats every second week on a Monday until January 7, 2022 at 8 AM: "FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=2;BYDAY=MO;UNTIL=20220107T080000Z"
A string representing a recurrence rule (RRULE) if the session is an instance of a recurrence pattern. Empty when the session is not an instance of a recurrence rule, or if the session defines a recurrence pattern, and recurrence is not empty.
The session version. Composed by the schedule, session and participants versions.