Notifications: Sample Use Cases & Flows

This article shares some possible use cases your app could support, as well as a sample flow that could support each use case. This can be a helpful jumping off point as you plan your app's implementation.

Notify a Wix site owner when a customer makes a new room reservation using your app

When a customer makes a new reservation, notify the Wix site owner with the customer name, room type, and the day of the week.

To notify a Wix site owner:

  1. Create a notification template in the Wix Dev Center with the Wix site owner as the recipient.

For example:

Title: New {{roomType}} reservation.

Message: {{customerName}} just made a new {{roomType}} reservation for {{dayOfWeek}}.

Save the given notification template ID and note the dynamic values.

  1. A customer makes a new room reservation. For example, Sally Jones reserves the studio for Friday.

  2. Pass the given notification template ID and the dynamic values to the Notify endpoint to trigger the notification based on the notification template.

  1. The Wix site owner receives the notification defined in the Wix Dev Center:

Title: New studio reservation.

Message: Sally Jones just made a new studio reservation for Friday.

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