Triggered when a Wix user upgrades or downgrades their plan for your app.
Date and time of change.
Newly purchased app plan.
Newly selected payment cycle.
Previous app plan.
Previous payment cycle.
Coupon applied to purchase (if relevant).
Invoice ID.
The data payload will include the following as an encoded JWT:
"data": {
"eventType": "PaidPlanChanged",
"instanceId": "<app-instance-id>",
"data": "<stringified-JSON>",
// The identity field is sent as a stringified JSON
"identity": {
"identityType": "<identityType>", // ANONYMOUS_VISITOR, MEMBER, WIX_USER, APP
"anonymousVisitorId": "<anonymousVisitorId>", // in case of ANONYMOUS_VISITOR
"memberId": "<memberId>", // in case of MEMBER
"wixUserId": "<wixUserId>", // in case of WIX_USER
"appId": "<appId>" // in case of APP
"operationTimeStamp": "2019-12-08T07:42:04.535Z",
"vendorProductId": "e61158e5-e327-4694-ac50-2a3a0db87c84",
"cycle": "YEARLY",
"previousVendorProductId": "e61158e5-e327-4694-ac50-2a3a0db87c84",
"previousCycle": "MONTHLY"