Last Activity Types

When a contact interacts with a site, the interaction is captured in lastActivity in the contact object. The table below shows the possible activityType values and describes the interactions each activity type represents:

Activity TypeDescription
GENERALVisited the site.
CONTACT_CREATEDBecame a new contact.
MEMBER_REGISTERRequested site membership.
MEMBER_STATUS_CHANGEDWas approved, blocked, or unblocked.
FORM_SUBMITTEDSubmitted a form.
INBOX_PAYMENT_REQUEST_PAIDPaid a payment request.
INBOX_MESSAGE_TO_CUSTOMERReceived a message from a site contributor.
INBOX_MESSAGE_FROM_CUSTOMERSent a new message to the site.
NEWSLETTER_SUBSCRIPTION_UNSUBSCRIBEUnsubscribed from a site newsletter.
ECOM_PURCHASEMade a Wix Stores purchase.
ECOM_CART_ABANDONAbandoned their shopping cart.
ECOM_CHECKOUT_BUYERChecked out shopping cart and submitted buyer info (but didn’t complete purchase yet).
BOOKINGS_APPOINTMENTBooked an appointment.
HOTELS_RESERVATIONMade a Wix Hotels reservation.
HOTELS_PURCHASEPaid for a Wix Hotels reservation.
HOTELS_CONFIRMATIONConfirmed a Wix Hotels reservation.
HOTELS_CANCELCanceled a Wix Hotels reservation.
VIDEO_PURCHASEPurchased a video.
VIDEO_RENTRented a video.
CASHIER_BUTTON_PURCHASEMade a purchase with a pay button.
ARENA_NEW_LEADBecame a new Wix Marketplace lead.
EVENTS_RSVPResponded that they're attending an event.
INVOICE_PAYPaid an invoice.
INVOICE_OVERDUEContact's invoice is now overdue.
PRICE_QUOTE_ACCEPTAccepted a price quote.
PRICE_QUOTE_EXPIREContact’s price quote has expired.
RESTAURANTS_ORDEROrdered food with Wix Restaurants.
RESTAURANTS_RESERVATIONMade a Wix Restaurants reservation.
SHOUTOUT_OPENOpened an email from the site.
SHOUTOUT_CLICKClicked a link in an email from the site.
CONTACT_MERGEDMerged with another contact.
NEWSLETTER_SUBSCRIPTION_SUBSCRIBESubscribed to a site newsletter.
NEWSLETTER_SUBSCRIPTION_PENDINGSubscription status to site newsletters is pending confirmation.
NEWSLETTER_SUBSCRIPTION_NOT_SETSubscription status to site newsletters is not set.
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