Filter and Sort

Select endpoints allow sorting results by field. Use "order": "ASC" to sort results in ascending order, and "order": "DESC" to sort in descending order.

For example, to sort plans by created date in descending order:


Refer to the following tables to check which fields support sorting.

Query Public Plans

FieldDescriptionQuery Filter OperatorsSorting
idPlan ID$eq, $ne, $hasSome
primaryWhether the plan is marked as primary, and highlighted in the site with a custom ribbon$eq, $neAllowed
slugURL-friendly version of the plan name. Unique across all plans in the same site$eq, $ne, $startsWith, $endsWith, $containsAllowed
createdDateDate plan was created$eq, $ne, $gt, $ge, $lt, $le, $betweenAllowed
updatedDateDate plan was updated$eq, $ne, $gt, $ge, $lt, $le, $betweenAllowed
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