Form submission that was created or retrieved.
Submission ID.
ID of the form which the submission belongs to.
The app which the form submissions belong to. For example, the namespace for the Wix Forms app is wix.form_app.form. Call Get Submission to retrieve the namespace.
Status of the submission.
Submission values where key is the form field and value is the data submitted for the given field.
Date and time the form submission was created.
Date and time the form submission was updated.
Revision number, which increments by 1 each time the form submission is updated. To prevent conflicting changes, the existing revision must be used when updating a form submission.
ID of the visitor that submitted the form.
Whether a site owner marked a submission as "seen".
Data extension object that holds users' and apps' fields.
Order details.
Note: This object is only applicable when submittng a form in the Wix Payments app.
Contact ID of a site visitor who created the submission.