Supported Filters and Sorting

Query Attendance runs with these defaults:

  • sorted by id in ASC order
  • cursorPaging.limit is 50

The following table shows field support for filters for the Attendance object:

FieldSupported FiltersSortable
id$eq, $ne, $in, $nin, $hasSomeSortable
bookingId$eq, $ne, $in, $nin, $hasSomeSortable
sessionId$eq, $ne, $in, $nin, $hasSomeSortable
status$eq, $ne, $in, $nin, $hasSomeSortable
numberOfAttendees$eq, $ne, $in, $nin, $hasSome, $lt, $lte, $gt, $gteSortable


  • Only 1 filter is supported per query. If you define multiple filters in the same query, only the first is processed.

To learn about working with query endpoints, see API Query Language, Sorting and Paging, and Field Projection.

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