About Service Locations

Wix Bookings supports business owners in offering services at multiple business locations, providing clients and staff with more choices and flexibility. Site owners can create services of appointment and class types that occur at more than one location, or they can create separate services for each branch.

Services can be set to occur at any one of three location types:

  • Business: These are business locations that are associated with the site. When offering a service at multiple locations, only business type locations are supported. For this type, Wix Bookings relies on the location data stored in the following Business Management APIs:
    • A business’s default location is created and managed with the Site Properties API. Any changes to this API will be automatically updated in the Bookings APIs.
    • All additional locations are created and managed with the Locations API.
  • Customer: These locations are defined by the customer only, with no reference to the business locations defined in the APIs above. Supported for appointments only.
  • Custom: These locations are defined by the site contributor at the service level as a string, and are not stored in the Business Management APIs.

When a business sets up multiple business type locations, each staff member is automatically assigned to work at all the business locations. To define specific locations for specific dates/times, manage the staff member’s “working hours schedule” in the Schedule & Sessions API, by creating a session with type:WORKING_HOURS and the relevant location.

Note that there is currently no option to set separate business working hours for multiple locations.

When allowing customers to define their appointment’s location (for example at their home or office), Wix does not validate the provided location.

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