
Update Resource

Developer Preview

This API is subject to change. Bug fixes and new features will be released based on developer feedback throughout the preview period.

Updates a resource.

Use this endpoint to update all resource information except for the resource's schedule. To update a resource's schedule use the Update Schedule endpoint.


  • When updating a resource you cannot change the system tags used by the Wix Bookings app. Tags used by the app have the values "business" and "staff".
  • When updating a resource's schedule you cannot change the resource tag used by the Wix Bookings app. Tags used by the app have the values "INDIVIDUAL""GROUP", and "COURSE”.
  • The businessLocation.businessSchedule object in the schedule.location object is not supported.

Permissions: This endpoint requires the Manage Bookings permission scope.

Permission Scopes

For app development, you must have one of the following permission scopes:
Manage Bookings
Learn more about permission scopes.

Event TriggersThis method triggers the following events:
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