Draft Posts: Supported Filters and Sorting

The following table shows field support for filters and sorting for the Draft Post object:

FieldSupported FiltersSortable
id$eq, $ne, $hasSome, $notSortable
title$eq, $ne, $contains, $startsWith, $endsWith, $hasSome, $lt, $lte, $gt, $gte, $exists, $inSortable
excerpt$eq, $ne, $contains, $startsWith, $endsWith, $hasSome, $lt, $lte, $gt, $gte, $exists, $inSortable
featured$eq, $neSortable
categoryIds$hasSome, $hasAll
memberId$eq, $ne, $hasSome
hashtags$hasSome, $hasAll
commentingEnabled$eq, $neSortable
minutesToRead$eq, $ne, $lt, $lte, $gt, $gte, $in
tagIds$hasSome, $hasAll
pricingPlanIds$hasSome, $hasAll
translationId$eq, $ne, $contains, $startsWith, $endsWith, $hasSome, $lt, $lte, $gt, $gte, $exists, $in
language$eq, $ne, $contains, $startsWith, $endsWith, $hasSome, $lt, $lte, $gt, $gte, $exists, $in
status$eq, $ne, $contains, $startsWith, $endsWith, $hasSome, $lt, $lte, $gt, $gte, $exists, $in
hasUnpublishedChanges$eq, $ne
editedDate$lt, $lte, $gt, $gteSortable
scheduledPublishDate$lt, $lte, $gt, $gteSortable

Related content: API Query Language, Query Draft Posts

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