Search Files

Searches all folders in the Media Manager and returns a list of files that match the terms specified in the parameters.

If no parameters are specified, the endpoint returns all files in the MEDIA_ROOT folder.


You can only call this method when authenticated as a Wix app or Wix user identity.

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Body Params
searchstringmaxLength 200

Term to search for. Possible terms include the value of a file's displayName, mimeType, and label.
For example, if a file's label is cat, the search term is 'cat'.


A root folder in the media manager to search in.
Default: MEDIA_ROOT.

mediaTypesArray <string>maxItems 30

File media type.


\ntrue: Returns only private files. \nfalse: Returns only public files. \nundefined: Returns public and private files. \n Learn more about private files (SDK | REST).


Field name and order to sort by. One of:

  • displayName
  • updatedDate
  • sizeInBytes Default: updatedDate in desc order.


Cursor and paging information.

Response Object
filesArray <FileDescriptor>maxItems 200

Files matching the query.


The next cursor if it exists.

Search files
curl -X POST \ '' \ -H 'Authorization: <AUTH>' --data-binary '{ "search": "building", "rootFolder": "MEDIA_ROOT", "sort": { "fieldName": "displayName", "order": "DESC" } }'
{ "files": [ { "id": "6acbb7_0e146875eea04f10bf3d1b217c113e3d~mv2.jpg", "displayName": "Facade of a municipal building after renovation.jpg", "url": "", "parentFolderId": "purchased-items", "hash": "5b50adc9d85bf256c5148cbe81ea4e57", "sizeInBytes": "2595863", "private": false, "mediaType": "IMAGE", "media": { "image": { "image": { "id": "6acbb7_0e146875eea04f10bf3d1b217c113e3d~mv2.jpg", "url": "", "height": 1667, "width": 2500, "altText": null, "urlExpirationDate": null, "filename": "Facade of a municipal building after renovation.jpg", "sizeInBytes": "2595863" }, "colors": { "prominent": { "hex": null, "rgb": { "r": 203, "g": 201, "b": 200 } }, "palette": [ { "hex": null, "rgb": { "r": 53, "g": 49, "b": 36 } }, { "hex": null, "rgb": { "r": 213, "g": 217, "b": 222 } }, { "hex": null, "rgb": { "r": 183, "g": 139, "b": 67 } }, { "hex": null, "rgb": { "r": 101, "g": 70, "b": 55 } }, { "hex": null, "rgb": { "r": 118, "g": 119, "b": 121 } }, { "hex": null, "rgb": { "r": 159, "g": 128, "b": 123 } }, { "hex": null, "rgb": { "r": 220, "g": 178, "b": 113 } }, { "hex": null, "rgb": { "r": 153, "g": 160, "b": 165 } } ] }, "faces": [], "previewImage": null } }, "operationStatus": "READY", "sourceUrl": "", "thumbnailUrl": "", "labels": [ "Sky", "Cloud", "Building", "Window", "Plant", "Stairs", "Urban design", "Condominium", "Tree", "Wall" ], "createdDate": "2022-06-01T10:26:29Z", "updatedDate": "2022-06-01T10:26:29Z", "siteId": "bee66e94-91b6-4ff2-b0b8-236c95361027", "state": "OK", "internalTags": ["_paid", "_shutterstock", "_shutterstock_2153156353"] }, { "id": "8244_2e146875eea04f10bf3d1b217c113e9v7~mv2.jpg", "displayName": "A new building.jpg", "url": "", "parentFolderId": "purchased-items", "hash": "", "sizeInBytes": "2595863", "private": false, "mediaType": "IMAGE", "media": { "image": { "image": { "id": "8244_2e146875eea04f10bf3d1b217c113e9v7~mv2.jpg", "url": "", "height": 1022, "width": 1500, "altText": null, "urlExpirationDate": null, "filename": "A new building.jpg", "sizeInBytes": "2595863" }, "colors": { "prominent": { "hex": null, "rgb": { "r": 113, "g": 101, "b": 20 } }, "palette": [ { "hex": null, "rgb": { "r": 13, "g": 43, "b": 36 } }, { "hex": null, "rgb": { "r": 213, "g": 217, "b": 222 } }, { "hex": null, "rgb": { "r": 183, "g": 139, "b": 67 } }, { "hex": null, "rgb": { "r": 101, "g": 70, "b": 55 } }, { "hex": null, "rgb": { "r": 118, "g": 119, "b": 121 } }, { "hex": null, "rgb": { "r": 159, "g": 128, "b": 123 } }, { "hex": null, "rgb": { "r": 220, "g": 178, "b": 113 } }, { "hex": null, "rgb": { "r": 153, "g": 160, "b": 165 } } ] }, "faces": [], "previewImage": null } }, "operationStatus": "READY", "sourceUrl": "", "thumbnailUrl": "", "labels": [ "Sky", "Cloud", "Building", "Porch", "Window", "Stairs", "Urban design", "Apartment", "Grass", "Wall" ], "createdDate": "2022-06-01T10:26:29Z", "updatedDate": "2022-06-01T10:26:29Z", "siteId": "bee66e94-91b6-4ff2-b0b8-236c95361027", "state": "OK" } ], "nextCursor": { "cursors": { "next": "" }, "hasNext": false } }
400Invalid Argument

There are 2 errors with this status code.

This method may also return standard errors. Learn more about standard Wix errors.

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