Category ID.
Category parent ID.
Category name.
Category header title.
Category header type.
Category header image.
Category rank (display order).
Total number of posts in category.
Total number of post views in category.
Category slug.
Category URL.
Category description.
List of post type that Category supports. Deprecated on '2021-08-03'.
Date category was created.
Whether all site visitors and members (PUBLIC
), all members (MEMBERS_ONLY
), or only specific members and groups of members with roles, badges or paid subscriptions (PRIVATE
) can access posts in category.
Date category was updated.
Whether only admins and moderators can write posts in category.
Ids of groups which can access category if categoryAccess is PRIVATE.
Defines what interactions may be applied on the comment under the posts created in this category, vote or like.
Defines which icon will be used for the main reaction on the comment under the posts created in this category.
Default type
: "LIKE"
Defines what additional reactions may be applied on the comment under the posts created in this category.
Defines what interactions may be applied on the posts created in this category, like or multiple reactions.
Defines which icon will be used for main reaction on the posts created in this category.
Default type
: "LIKE"
Defines what additional reactions may be applied on the posts created in this category.
"id": "5cacd5fe04976c0015f35362",
"parentId": "001005fe04976c0015f35362",
"name": "Discussion corner",
"headerTitle": "Discussion corner",
"description": "Share stories, ideas, pictures and more!",
"headerType": "IMAGE",
"headerImage": {
"id": "image.jpg",
"url": "",
"height": 760,
"width": 2100
"rank": 0,
"postCount": 2,
"postViewCount": 17,
"slug": "discussion-corner",
"noMemberPosting": true,
"categoryAccess": "PUBLIC",
"createdDate": "2019-04-09T17:27:26.171Z",
"updatedDate": "2019-04-09T17:27:26.171Z",
"postTypes": ["DISCUSSION", "QUESTION"],
"postInteraction": "MULTIPLE_REACTIONS",
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"code": ":love:"
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"commentOrder": "NEWEST",
"commentRepliesEnabled": true,
"commentButtonLabel": "Publish",
"commentPlaceholderText": "Leave a comment",
"commentSectionHeader": "Comments",
"url": {
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"path": "/forum/discussion-corner"