About the Extended Fields API

The Extended Fields API provides functionality for managing extended field definitions, allowing you to retrieve and store specific contact information relevant to a site. Basic fields such as name, address, email, and phone number are stored in a contact's default fields, while additional information about a contact can be stored in extended fields. For example, you can create an extended field named "Nickname" to store a contact's nickname.

With the Extended Fields API, you can:

  • Create, manage, and delete extended fields.
  • Retrieve existing extended fields.

Learn more about Adding and Managing Custom Contact Fields.

Before you begin

It's important to note the following points before starting to code:

  • When you create a new extended field, it's available for use for all contacts, and the field is blank by default.
  • Extended field keys can't be changed once created.
  • When you delete an extended field, you also remove its associated values from any contact that uses the field.
  • Possible data types for extended fields include:
    • Text
    • Number
    • Date
    • URL
  • Each extended field is represented as a key-value pair in the contact object in info.extendedFields. To manage the extended fields of an individual contact, use the Contacts API. Each key is the extended field key, and each value is the field's value for a contact. Empty extended fields are not returned in contact objects.


  • Extended field: A customized field that can store additional information for a contact. A contact’s extended field data is available in info.extendedFields of the contact object. There are 2 types of extended fields:
    • System field: An extended field created by apps built by Wix, such as Wix Stores or Wix Members, to enrich contact data. These fields can't be renamed and are typically read-only.
    • Custom field: An extended field created by calling the Find Or Create Extended Field method. Custom fields can be renamed.
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