About the Domain Connections API

Deprecation Notice:

Domain Connections has been replaced with Connected Domains and will be removed on December 31, 2023.

With the Domain Connections API you can connect a root domain or subdomain to a Wix site. You can only connect external domains.

The domain can be assigned as a primary domain or a redirect. You can read more about primary and redirected domains.

Before you begin

  • You can only connect domains to a Wix site with an active Premium plan that supports domains with the relevant TLD.
  • The dnsRecords array doesn't include the default nameserver record. Instead, the default nameserver is stored in a separate read-only nsRecord object.
  • Wix doesn't manage the DNS records for domains connected by pointing.


  • Wix Domain: A domain owned by Wix and billed through Wix.
  • External Domain: A domain owned by an external provider, not Wix.
  • DNS: The Domain Name System helps users identify computers connected to the internet.
  • Nameserver: A server component of the DNS that stores human-readable domain names.
  • Pointing: A connection type for cases where the DNS is hosted outside of Wix. Read more about connecting a domain to Wix by pointing.
  • TLD: Top-level domain. For example, com, net, or org.
  • Root domain: Highest hierarchy level of the DNS. Consists of the domain name and TLD. For example, my-example-domain.com.
  • Subdomain: Lower hierarchy level of the DNS. For example, support.my-example-domain.com.
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