Scope Values

Wix site owners can define the coupon to apply to a specific product, a collection of products, or to all of their products within a specific Wix Business Solution.

Coupons are available for the following Wix business solutions:

  • Wix Stores
  • Wix Bookings
  • Wix Events
  • Wix Pricing Plans

When creating a coupon via API, you will need to apply a coupon scope. The scope should include:

  • Namespace (required)
  • Group (optional - if not listed, the coupon will apply to all products/services/events in the namespace)
  • Entity ID - (required only when Group is listed)

Wix Stores

NamespaceGroupEntity IDResult
storesN/AN/ACoupon applies to all products
storesproductproduct IDCoupon applies to the specific product with the provided ID
storescollectioncollection IDCoupon applies to the specific collection with the provided ID

Wix Bookings

NamespaceGroupEntity IDResult
bookingsN/AN/ACoupon applies to all services
bookingsserviceservice IDCoupon applies to the specific service with the provided ID

Wix Events

NamespaceGroupEntity IDResult
eventseventN/ACoupon applies to all events
eventseventevent IDCoupon applies to the specific event with the provided ID
eventsticketN/ACoupon applies to all tickets
eventsticketticket IDCoupon applies to the specific ticket with the provided ID

Wix Pricing Plans

NamespaceGroupEntity IDResult
pricingPlansN/AN/ACoupon applies to all pricing plans
pricingPlansplanplan IDCoupon applies to the specific pricing plan with the provided ID

Wix Restaurants

NamespaceGroupEntity IDResult
restaurantsN/AN/ACoupon applies to all menu items
restaurantsmenumenu IDCoupon applies to items of a specific menu
restaurantsmenuSectionmenu section IDCoupon applies to items of a specific menu section
restaurantsmenuItemmenu item IDCoupon applies to the specific menu item
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