Domains Errors

This articles outlines error messages that might be issued when calling endpoints of the Domain Search API.

Connect Domain Errors

The Connect Domain endpoint might issue the following error messages:

HTTP status
Error code
Error message
INVALID_ARGUMENT (400)Invalid domainUnable to connect domain <domainName>, it is available for purchase.You must purchase the domain before you can connect it to a Wix site.
INVALID_ARGUMENT (400)Invalid domainDomain <domainName> is restricted.Not all TLDs are supported for Wix sites. Contact the Wix B2B sales team for a list of supported TLDs and then try connecting a domain that's supported.
INVALID_ARGUMENT (400)Invalid connection typeInvalid connection type: <connectionType>.Choose a connection type that's supported for the domain. To connect a root domain, you can only connect via POINTING or NAMESERVERS. For subdomains, you aren't allowed to pass any connection type.
INVALID_ARGUMENT (400)Invalid type of recordAdditional DNS records can not be provided for <connectionType>.It isn't supported to pass additional DNS record information in the request. Omit the additional DNS records and try again.
INVALID_ARGUMENT (400)DOMAINS_GUID_NOT_VALIDWix site id / Wix account ID is invalid.Check that the site and account ID are correct.
INVALID_ARGUMENT (400)DOMAINS_MISSING_SITE_ID_FOR_ASSIGN_ASMissing siteId for assignAs <assignAs>.Make sure to pass a site ID when setting up a primary domain or redirect.
PERMISSION_DENIED (403)DOMAINS_PERMISSION_DENIEDPermission denied for target accountId: <targetAccountId>.Check that the account ID is correct and that you have permissions to access it.
PERMISSION_DENIED (403)DOMAINS_DOMAIN_NOT_PERMITTEDDomain <domain> is not permitted to target account.Make sure that you have permissions to access the account.
PERMISSION_DENIED (403)DOMAINS_NO_THROTTLER_KEYCannot consume this service.Make sure that your app has the Manage Domains permission scope.
PERMISSION_DENIED (403)DOMAINS_SITE_NOT_PERMITTEDSiteId: <siteId> is not permitted to target account.Check that site belongs to the account.
PERMISSION_DENIED (403)INVALID_DOMAINS_PREVIEW_RECORDSPreview records are missing A and/or CName and/or NS for domain: <domainName>.Make sure to pass the releavant DNS records.
PERMISSION_DENIED (403)DOMAINS_GUID_NOT_FOUND-Make sure to pass a valid account ID.
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