Ticket Definition Object

idstringRead-onlyformat GUID

Ticket definition ID.

eventIdstringformat GUID

Event ID to which the ticket definition belongs.

revisionintegerRead-onlyformat int64

Revision number, which increments by 1 each time the ticket definition is updated. To prevent conflicting changes, the existing revision must be used when updating a ticket definition.

createdDatestringRead-onlyformat date-time

Date and time when the ticket definition was created.

updatedDatestringRead-onlyformat date-time

Date and time when the ticket definition was updated.

namestringminLength 1maxLength 30

Ticket definition name.

descriptionstringmaxLength 500

Ticket definition description.

policyTextstringmaxLength 1000

Ticket definition policy.


Whether this ticket definition is hidden to site visitors and can't be purchased.


Whether the ticket has a limited maximum quantity.

initialLimitintegerformat int32

The maximum number of tickets that can be sold for the event when first defining the event. If a seating map is defined after you created a ticket definition, this property is ignored and actualLimit is used instead.

actualLimitintegerRead-onlyformat int32

The maximum number of tickets that can be sold for the event after adding a seating map to the event. If no seating map is defined, this property is the same as initialLimit.


Ticket pricing method.


Whether fee is included in the ticket price or customer pays it additionally at checkout.


Ticket sale period.


Ticket sale status.


Ticket sales information.
Note: This field is only returned when SALES_DETAILS fieldset is included in the request.

limitPerCheckoutintegerRead-onlyminimum 0maximum 50format int32

Number of tickets that can be purchased per checkout.
Note: If the actuaLimit or salesDetails.unsoldCount field value is smaller than limitPerCheckout, then it overrides this field.


Data extensions.


Associated event information.
Note: This field is only returned when EVENT_DETAILS fieldset is included in the request.

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