Connected Domain Object

A connectedDomain object holds information about an external domain and its connection to a Wix site.

idstringRead-onlyformat HOSTNAME

ID of the connected domain. Identical to the domain name including TLD.

domainstringformat HOSTNAME

Domain name including TLD. Both root domains and subdomains are supported.

4 enum supported values:

How the domain is connected to the Wix site.

  • "UNKNOWN_CONNECTION_TYPE": There is no information about the connection type.
  • "POINTING": The domain is connected by pointing. Wix doesn't manage DNS information.
  • "NAMESERVERS": The domain is connected by nameservers. Wix manages DNS information.
  • "HIDDEN": The domain isn't visible to site visitors.


Information about the site to which the domain is assigned, and whether it's the primary domain or a redirect.


Whether the site owner receives standard email notifications from Wix about the connected domain.

Default: false

4 enum supported values:

DNS propagation status.

  • "UNKNOWN_DNS_PROPAGATION_STATUS": There's no information about the domain's DNS propagation status.
  • "IN_PROGRESS": The domain's DNS propagation process has started but hasn't successfully completed yet.
  • "COMPLETED": The domain's DNS propagation process has successfully finished.
  • "FAILED": The domain's DNS propagation process has failed.
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