About the SEO Keyword Suggestions Service Plugin

Important: To test an app with the SEO Keyword Suggestions service plugin, please contact us. Our team can add the app to the SEO Setup Checklist flow for testing.

As a service plugin provider (formerly SPI) of SEO keyword research tools, you can integrate with Wix to enable Wix users to optimize their SEO strategy.

Using the SEO Keyword Suggestions service plugin, you can design your app to:

  • Enable Wix users to check the SEO strength of a potential keyword.
  • Suggest similar keywords to compare SEO strength.
  • Provide analysis about the suggested keywords based on search volume and ranking difficulty.
  • Update Wix users about remaining credit in their plan.

How to become an SEO keyword suggestion provider

To become an SEO keyword suggestion provider, add the Seo Keywords Suggestions extension in your app's dashboard.

Provide the necessary configuration for your app:

baseUristringRequired. Base URI where the endpoints are called. Wix appends the endpoint path to the base URI. For example, to call the Get Quota endpoint at https://my-seo-suggestions/v1/get-quota, the base URI you provide here is https://my-seo-suggestions.com.
upgradeUrlstringURL of the page where users can purchase a paid plan. Wix offers a link to this page when you respond with a value of false in quota's paidPlan property.
supportedCountryCodesarrayRequired. List of countries you support for SEO analysis. 2-letter country code in ISO-3166 alpha-2 format.
quotaEnabledbooleanWhether there is a quota limit in the service. When set to true, include the quota object in responses.
landingPageUrlstringRequired. Your website's landing page.


  • Suggested keywords: Keywords suggested by your app to compare SEO strength of potential keywords and enable optimization of SEO strategy.

  • Quota: Details of the plan such as credit remaining in terms of number of searches left, total available searches, and start and end dates of the quota cycle.

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List Suggested Keywords

This method requests keyword suggestions for a specified phrase. You provide statistical data about the requested keyword and a list of similar keywords so the user can compare the SEO strength of the suggested keywords.

Wix calls this method when a Wix user requests data about a keyword via the SEO page of the Dashboard.

QuotaLimitReachedobjectstatus code: 429
MissingTokenobjectstatus code: 401
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Get Quota

This method requests information about remaining quota in the plan. A Wix user can purchase a paid plan from your site or utilize a free plan if you offer one. You provide information about the current plan including how many searches remain out of the total in the plan, the dates of the plan, and whether the user currently has a paid plan.

Wix calls this method when a Wix user opens the SEO page of the Dashboard.

QuotaLimitReachedobjectstatus code: 429
MissingTokenobjectstatus code: 401
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