Registered Domain Object

A registered domain is a domain that Wix has registered on behalf of a customer with an external registar.

idstringRead-onlyformat HOSTNAME

Domain ID. Identical to domain.

domainstringformat HOSTNAME

Name of the domain including TLD. Subdomains aren't supported. You can only register a root domain. Domain name and TLD must be separated by a dot. For example, Only alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and dots are supported.

Min: 3 characters Max: 63 characters

productInstanceIdstringformat GUID

ID of the product instance from the Resellers API that belongs to the registeredDomain object. Your account must own a product that supports the chosen TLD, regardless of whether you want to assign the domain to a site or keep it floating. If you want to assign the domain to a site, the relevant site must also own a Premium plan. Contact the Wix B2B team for more information about how to become a reseller and a list of available product IDs.

createdDatestringRead-onlyformat date-time

Date and time the registeredDomain object was created in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format.

updatedDatestringRead-onlyformat date-time

Date and time the registeredDomain object was last updated in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format.

revisionintegerformat int64

Revision number, which increments by 1 each time the registered domain is updated. To prevent conflicting changes, the current revision must be passed when updating the registered domain.

Ignored when creating a registered domain.


Information about the Wix site the domain is connected to and whether the domain is assigned as the primary domain or a redirect.


Contact details for the registrant, admin, and tech support of the registered domain. You can read more about which Contact Field Validations are implemented.

5 enum supported values:

Status of the registered domain.

  • "UNKNOWN_STATUS": There's no information about the status of the registered domain.
  • "PENDING_REGISTRATION": Wix has started the domain registration process, but the domain hasn't been successfully registered yet.
  • "ACTIVE": The domain has been registered successfully and is active.
  • "FAILED_REGISTRATION": Wix has tried to register the domain, but has stopped the process due to too many failed attempts. Contact the Wix B2B team for more information.
  • "CANCELED": The domain has been canceled and isn't active any longer.

4 enum supported values:

ICANN confirmation status.

  • "UNKNOWN_ICANN_CONFIRMATION_STATUS": There's no information about the status of the ICANN confirmation process.
  • "PENDING": Wix has started the ICANN confirmation process, but not all contacts have confirmed the domain yet.
  • "CONFIRMED_BY_ALL": The domain has been successfully confirmed by all contacts.
  • "EXPIRED": The domain hasn't been confirmed by all contacts before the ICANN confirmation process expired. The domain isn't active and a new confirmation process must be started. Contact the Wix B2B team for more information.


Details about the ICANN confirmation status.

4 enum supported values:

DNS propagation status.

  • "UNKNOWN_DNS_PROPAGATION_STATUS": There's no information about the domain's DNS propagation status.
  • "IN_PROGRESS": The domain's DNS propagation process has started but hasn't successfully completed yet.
  • "COMPLETED": The domain's DNS propagation process has successfully finished.
  • "FAILED": The domain's DNS propagation process has failed.

expirationDatestringRead-onlyformat date-time

Expiration date of the registered domain in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format.



Information about a domain that hasn't been successfully registered yet. Includes the timestamp of the latest registration attempt.


Information about a domain that couldn't be registered. Includes failure code and message.

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