Extended Field Object

Extended field that was found or created.

namespacestringRead-onlyminLength 1maxLength 25

Extended field namespace.

Extended fields created by site collaborators or 3rd-party apps are automatically assigned to the custom namespace.

keystringRead-onlyminLength 1maxLength 80

Extended field key.

When accessing contact data, extended field data is available at extendedFields[key]. For example, if the key is "custom.notes", the value can be accessed at extendedFields["custom.notes"].

key is generated when the extended field is created and cannot be modified, even if displayName changes.

displayNamestringminLength 1maxLength 150

Display name shown in the Contact List.

5 enum supported values:

Type of data the field holds.

  • TEXT: Accepts strings.
  • NUMBER: Accepts floats.
  • DATE: Accepts dates formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.
  • URL: Accepts strings. Prepends https:// if no protocol is included.

3 enum supported values:

Indicates whether the extended field is a system field or custom field.

  • SYSTEM: The field is a system field managed by Wix. System fields cannot be modified by 3rd-party apps or site contributors.
  • USER_DEFINED: The field is a custom field and can be modified by 3rd-party apps or site contributors.

createdDatestringRead-onlyformat date-time

Date and time the field was created.

updatedDatestringRead-onlyformat date-time

Date and time the field was last updated.

descriptionstringRead-onlyminLength 1maxLength 150

Field description, if the field is a system field.

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