Post Object

Blog Submodule Docs

idstringRead-onlyformat GUID

Post ID.

titlestringmaxLength 100

Post title.

excerptstringmaxLength 500

Post excerpt. Can be selected by a site contributor. By default, it is extracted from the content text's first characters.

Max: 500 characters

contentTextstringRead-onlymaxLength 400000

The post's content in plain text.

firstPublishedDatestringformat date-time

Date the post was first published.

lastPublishedDatestringRead-onlyformat date-time

Date the post was last published.


Post URL.

slugstringmaxLength 100

Post slug. For example, 'post-slug'.


Whether the post is marked as featured.


Whether the post is pinned. If true, the post is placed at the top of the post list.

categoryIdsArray <string>maxItems 10format GUID

Category IDs of the post.

coverMediaobjectdeprecated - use media instead

Deprecated. Use media instead. This property will be removed on June 30, 2023.

Post cover media.

memberIdstringformat GUID

Post owner's member ID.

hashtagsArray <string>Read-onlymaxItems 100maxLength 100

Hashtags in the post.


Whether commenting on the post is enabled.


Estimated reading time (calculated automatically).


Image placed at the top of the blog page.

tagIdsArray <string>Read-onlymaxItems 30format GUID

IDs of tags the post is tagged with.

relatedPostIdsArray <string>Read-onlymaxItems 3format GUID

IDs of posts related to the post.

pricingPlanIdsArray <string>Read-onlymaxItems 100format GUID

Pricing plan IDs. Only relevant if a post is assigned to a specific pricing plan.

translationIdstringformat GUID

ID of the translations of this post. All translations of a single post share the same translationId.

languagestringformat LANGUAGE

Language the post is written in.

2-letter language code in ISO 639-1 alpha-2 format.


SEO data.

contentstringRead-onlymaxLength 400000

Reserved for internal use.

contactIdstringformat GUID

Post owner's contact ID.


Post rich content


Whether the returned content is a preview of premium content. Defaults to false. A preview displays a limited number of paragraphs of paid content to non-subscribed users.

contentIdstringmaxLength 24

Reserved for internal use.

mostRecentContributorIdstringRead-onlyformat GUID

Reserved for internal use.


Post moderation details. Only relevant to posts submitted by guest writers.


Post cover media.


Indicates if there is a draft post with changes that have not yet been published.

internalIdstringRead-onlymaxLength 24

Reserved for internal use.

internalCategoryIdsArray <string>Read-onlymaxItems 10maxLength 24

Reserved for internal use.

internalRelatedPostIdsArray <string>Read-onlymaxItems 3maxLength 24

Reserved for internal use.

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