Write a Press Release

A press release is a great way to spread the word about your app launching on the Wix App Market.

Before you can distribute your press release, it must be approved by Wix. This can take up 10 days so please allow plenty of time. To get approval you should open a ticket with a link to your PR release draft along with details about your distribution plan and target outlets.

The app must be fully tested and available to users at the time of the announcement. Once approved, we'll agree a distribution date / time with you.

Press release template

You can use this template to help write your press release:

A CLEAR HEADLINE: E.g. [App Name] Launches on the Wix App Market

[Location] – [Date] – [Company Name], today announced a partnership with [Wix.com Ltd. (Nasdaq: WIX).

The second paragraph is your chance to tell the world what makes your app innovative and the problem it solves for users. It should grab the reader’s attention.

Next you can provide more detail and expand on your app’s key features and benefits. What differentiates your app from the competition? Why should readers care?

“This spot should be used for a quote from an exec within your company and can add a bit more detail not already covered above. Why is this announcement so exciting?”

“If Wix provides a quote supporting the announcement, it should go here.”

Use this slot to talk about availability: When will your app be released, and what geographical locations and languages does it support?

[Optional] Add your app's pricing if relevant – is there a free version users can try? What subscription model do you offer?

About [Company Name]

The section is for your company’s boilerplate – a general description of your company.

Contact Info

Include any contact info, website details or a link to your App Market listing.

Things to avoid

  • Don't include Wix data – our statistics and numbers change often, and it's very important that we don't publish inaccurate numbers in the press.
  • Don't make any unsubstantiated, generic claims like the app is 'exclusive' or 'the best'.
  • Don't include Wix boilerplate.

See also

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