Create a Blocks App and Open it

Wix Blocks is open to all Wix Studio users. If you haven't created a Wix Studio account yet, here's how to join. If you want to create a Blocks app in a Studio workspace where you are not the owner, make sure to get Co-owner permissions from the owner.

There are several entry points to create Wix Blocks apps or open your existing apps. 

Enter through your Wix Studio Workspace

  1. Open the Custom Apps section in your Wix Studio workspace. 
  2. Create a new app or open one of your existing apps to edit it. 
See how it looks

Studio Custo Apps

Enter through the Templates Page

Go to the Wix Blocks Templates page and start with one of our templates.

Enter through Custom Apps in a site editor

  1. Open the site editor of any one of your Wix sites.
  2. Click the App Market  icon.
  3. Click Custom Apps to open one of your apps or create a new one.

Enter through Packages and Apps in a site editor

  1. Open the site editor of any one of your Wix sites.  
  2. Turn on Dev Mode if you are in the Wix editor, or click the Code tab in the Wix Studio editor.
  3. Click Packages & Apps  icon on the left menu.
  4. Click Create New App in the Custom Apps section.
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