Create a Coupon

You can create coupons in the Wix Dev Center. Here are the types you can create:

  • Regular: Regular coupons offer a discount to boost sales or compensate users if they encounter an issue with your app.
  • Testing: These coupons allow someone to test your app without incurring any costs.

Before you begin

There are a couple of things you need before creating a new coupon:

  • You need a published app with at least one recurring (monthly or yearly) pricing plan.
  • Only apps that use a Wix pricing page can use coupons. If you want to switch to a Wix pricing page, let us know.

Create a new coupon

To create a new coupon:

  1. In the Dev Center, go to the Coupons page and click Add Coupon.
  2. Add your coupon's details:
    • Name (for example, Summer Sale, or Test 1): This is seen by users, so make sure it's suitable for an external audience.
    • Code (for example, SummerSale, or Test1): Your App ID will be added as a prefix to make sure all codes are unique. Once a code is created and saved, you can't use its name for other coupons – even if you delete that coupon.
    • Discount: Set a percentage (up to 100%), or a fixed deduction amount. You can pick from several currencies, but it's important that you select a currency relevant to your app's target audience.
    • Testing coupon: Select if this coupon is for app testing purposes. If selected it automatically sets the discount to 100%, and all other fields are set to default values.
  3. Choose at least one plan and billing cycle that you want this coupon to apply to.
  4. Choose a validity period, and the total amount of uses for the coupon (up to 500). You can also choose whether to limit its use to one per account.
  5. Click Save. Your coupon is now active and ready to use.

Promote your coupon: Once you've got a coupon code set up, you can share it with your email subscribers and social media followers, or display it on your app's website.

See also

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