Quick Start

This guide explains the bare minimum steps required to get a basic CLI app up and running using the Wix CLI for Apps. For fully functioning CLI app templates, visit our templates page.

The following diagram shows the overall flow for creating a CLI app. The steps in the red rectangle are covered in this article.

Create and test an app

Follow these instructions to quickly create and test a CLI App.

Before you begin

Before getting started, make sure that:

Step 1 | Create a new app project

  1. Run the following command to create a new app project:
npm create @wix/app@latest
  1. When asked what you would like to do, select Create a new Wix App.

Note: You can also integrate an existing Wix app. For more information see Integrate Existing Apps.

  1. When asked how you would like to create your new app:

    • Select Create a basic app to create a new app from scratch.
    • Select Start from a template to create an app using a template.
  2. Enter a Wix app name and a package name for your project.

    • The Wix app name is the name that appears in your app's dashboard.
    • The package name is the name of the package created locally for your project, and the name of the directory containing your project’s local files.

Once the CLI has creates your app, the app's files appear in a local directory with the package name you chose.

Your app appears in the app dashboard but is not yet installed on a development site.

Step 2 | Test the app in your local environment

  1. Run the following command:
npm run dev
  1. Select a site to install your app on for testing:
    • Select an existing site: Designates one of your existing Wix sites.
    • Create a new Development Site: Builds a new Wix development site.
  2. Press Enter to open your browser and install the application on your test site.
  3. The CLI builds a local environment for your test site and provides a menu to view your site in the browser.

The development environment is set up for hot reloading, so any changes you make to your code are immediately reflected in the browser.

Next steps

After completing the above steps, you have a simple Wix app that you can experiment with and test locally.

You can now:

See also

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