The Wix Choice Program

Wix Choice is a program that recognizes high-quality apps within the Wix App Market. Specifically, these apps meet Wix’s high standards for user experience (UX) and user interface (UI).

Benefits of the Wix Choice program

Wix Choice apps will get a prominent badge on the Wix App Market that appears on all pages: the homepage, search results, and the app listing page. These apps will also have a higher position in the search results page. This stamp of approval will greatly increase your exposure to Wix users.


How apps are selected for the Wix Choice program

The Wix team carefully reviews and selects apps that meet the criteria at their sole and absolute discretion. Apps must:

Your app must also meet all of the below:

  • Minimum number of Wix App Market installs: 500 installs on Premium Wix sites.
  • Minimum number of Wix App Market reviews: 45 reviews
  • Minimum Wix App Market app rating: 4.3

We’ll reach out to let you know if your app has been selected.

See also

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