Submit Your First App Version for Review

Apps that want to be listed on the Wix App Market can submit their app for review once they’ve built, configured, and tested their app in the Wix Dev Center.

Important: Wix aims to review your app within 15 business days. During this time the app is locked and you can’t make any changes.

To submit your app:

  1. Go to Submit App in the side menu of the Wix Dev Center.
  2. Open the Submission Summary and complete any outstanding items:
    • Blockers: These items are critical and must be fixed before you submit your app.
    • Recommendations: These items are highly recommended to support your app's success but won't prevent you submitting your app.
  3. When complete, click Submit App.
  4. Fill out the submission form with any additional info that we should know:
    • Your demo credentials (username/email and password) with full access to your app for the duration of the review.
    • A quick outline of the installation flow.
    • Accessibility or compatibility issues (for example, if it’s geo-locked or restricted in another way). If a Wix team member won't be able to access any features, please provide a link to a video showcasing that functionality.
    • Attach screenshots that show us how your app uses its relevant permissions.
    • Confirmation that you're authorized to use specific trademarks, images, logos that are displayed in the app, include all relevant documentation proving your authorization.
  5. Click Submit.

Once your app is submitted for review, and you can follow its review status in the Versions page of the Dev Center.

App Market listing review issues: To avoid delays, we publish apps with outstanding App Market listing issues (for example, images that don’t meet our requirements). However, we won’t list your app in our categories until the issues are resolved, meaning you’re less likely to be discovered by users. Learn more about market listing requirements.

See also

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