Test Your Blocks App on a Site

When you are ready to test your app, preview it and then test it in the editor of a site. Click the eye icon and select Preview or Test in Editor.

Use our checklist of what to check when testing your app, to make sure you don't miss any part of your app.

Where to test what

Some parts of your app can be checked in Preview in Blocks, whereas others can only be tested in the editor of a site. Here is a list to help you understand what goes where. However, it's always good practice to also check everything in the editor.

What you can check in Preview

  • Responsive behavior
  • How your widget elements are connected to site themes
  • Widget API properties
  • Logs (learn more about debugging your code)

What you must test in the Editor

How to test your app in the editor

  1. Click the eye icon and select Test in Editor.
  2. Select a site to install your app on, or create a premium development site. Creating a premium development site allows you to test all the premium features of your app.
  3. Test your app as if you were a user. Make sure to follow our checklist, so you don't miss any testing steps. If you plan to publish your app on the Wix App Market, also see the top ways to speed up your app approval.

Continuous testing

When you make more changes in your app and want to test them, there is no need to install it again. Just click Test in Editor again, or use the keyboard shortcuts. This creates a new testing version of the app, which updates automatically on the site you installed it on. Even if you build a minor or major version in Blocks, the site with the testing version of your app will always show the latest changes.

Keyboard shortcuts

  • The keyboard shortcut for Preview is Cmd+Option+P on macOS, Ctrl+Alt+P on Windows.
  • The keyboard shortcut for Test in Editor is Cmd+Option+T for macOS and Ctrl+Alt+T for Windows.

Note: Blocks database collections are editable in Preview mode. Make sure not to edit them by mistake.

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