About App Localization

Wix has more than 220 million users worldwide – and many of them aren’t native English speakers. In an increasingly globalized world, app localization has become a crucial factor in reaching wider audiences and ensuring user engagement. Localization involves adapting your app's content, design, and functionality to suit the cultural, linguistic, and regional preferences of target markets.

Benefits of app localization

  1. Expand your user base: Catering to users in different regions enhances accessibility and improves user experience, leading to increased downloads and user retention.
  2. Boost user engagement: When users feel that an app resonates with their language, culture, and norms, they are more likely to engage with it, leading to higher usage rates and better reviews.
  3. Drive revenue growth: Localized apps have higher chances of monetization through in-app purchases, subscriptions, and ad revenue as they appeal to a broader audience.
  4. Enhance brand reputation: Demonstrating commitment to inclusivity and cultural sensitivity through localization can strengthen your brand's reputation globally.

Best practices for app localization

Successfully localizing an app requires careful planning and execution. Here are some best practices to follow:

  1. Plan for localization from the beginning: Incorporate localization considerations into your app development process right from the outset. Design the app architecture to support multiple languages and cultural adaptations.
  2. Cultural sensitivity: Understand the cultural nuances and sensitivities of your target markets. Adapt content, imagery, and design elements to align with local customs, holidays, and cultural references.
  3. Use localization tools: Leverage localization tools and platforms to streamline the translation process and manage multilingual content efficiently.
  4. Separate content from code: Keep text strings, images, and other content separate from the source code to facilitate easy translation and updates. Utilize string resource files or localization frameworks for seamless management.
  5. Test extensively: Conduct thorough testing of localized versions to ensure linguistic accuracy, proper formatting, and functional integrity across different languages and locales.
  6. Provide language switching options: Implement intuitive language-switching mechanisms within the app interface to allow users to choose their preferred language easily.
  7. Monitor user feedback: Monitor user feedback and analytics to gather insights into user preferences, issues, and opportunities for further localization improvements.

Methods of app localization

Several methods can be employed to localize your app effectively:

  1. Translation services: Engage professional translators or translation agencies with expertise in your target languages to ensure accurate and culturally appropriate translations.
  2. In-house localization teams: Establish an in-house localization team or designate team members responsible for managing the localization process, including translation, content adaptation, and quality assurance.
  3. Community translation: Utilize crowdsourcing platforms or community-driven translation initiatives to involve native speakers in the localization process. This approach can be cost-effective and can result in high-quality translations.
  4. Machine translation: Supplement human translation efforts with machine translation tools such as Google Translate or Microsoft Translator, especially for large volumes of content. However, ensure human review and validation for accuracy and context.
  5. Localized support: If your app is supported in a certain language, users may ask for your help in that language. We recommend engaging with users in their native language, or if that’s not possible, in a common language. If your app becomes popular in a specific language, consider hiring a native-language speaker for that language to ensure textual accuracy and to provide user support.

See also

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