Integrate with Wix’s Editor interface


Live site extensions, including pages, pop-ups and widgets, can add setting panels that allow site owners to customize the extension. The capabilities you offer in this panel – and the user experience – can determine whether users will choose your app. Panels are generally used to manage a specific instance of a widget or page that your app provides to the live site. If you would like to enable site owners to manage global configuration related to the app, Wix recommends a dashboard page.

Third-party apps can create panels using the following:

Note: Panels should be built using the same tool that was used for the extension it manages.

Action bar buttons (Wix Blocks)

Every live site extension has an action bar that site owners can use to customize the extension. With Wix Blocks you can add, remove, or reorder buttons.

Editing behaviors (Wix Blocks)

In addition to allowing site owners the ability to customize your app with a panel, with Wix Blocks you can define extra functionality, including allowing or blocking site owners from changing the layout, resizing your extension, and more.

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