About Publishing to the App Market in Blocks

As a Blocks app builder, you can publish your app to the Wix App Market to allow Wix site builders to install and use your app. The process of reviewing and publishing your app is then done by the Wix Dev Center.

Before you begin

Before you begin the process of publishing to the App Market, it's important to plan ahead, to avoid later corrections.

Get to Know the Wix Dev Center

When you publish your Blocks app through the Dev Center, there are a few areas of it that you should know: 

My Apps

Any Blocks app that you build in the Blocks Editor is added to the My Apps section in the Wix Dev Center. Click on one of your apps to manage it. 


Wix apps are built out of app Extensions (formerly Components). The Extensions Page is where you can see your Blocks Extension, which is a representation of your app's widgets and code. If you added a Dashboard page to your app you'll see it there too, as a Dashboard Extension. 

Go Back to Blocks

You can go back to the Blocks Editor if you click Edit in Blocks on your extension. 

Learn more about this platform, in the Build apps documentation.

Build Responsive

Wix App Market apps must be responsive, in order to be approved by the Dev Center. "Responsive" means that the user interface adjusts itself to any size of screen in a seamless way. Before you start designing your app, make sure that you are familiar with our design guidelines and specifically, building responsive.

Plan your installation settings

As an app builder, you can choose how to install your app on a website. You can choose to show all your app's widgets or just part of them; install the app on a new page, and more. Learn more about the available installation settings.

Prepare your app for different pricing plans

The Wix Dev Center allows you to create different pricing plans for your app. For example, a "standard" plan and a "pro" plan. This means that your app should behave differently for different site-builders, so make sure to think of all your pricing plans during the development stage. Learn more about setting up and managing pricing in Blocks.

Sign the Partners Agreement

These are the terms and conditions for publishing in the Wix App Market. Make sure to read them through.

Publish your app

Follow these steps to publish your Blocks app to the App Market: 

Step 1 | Duplicate your app in Blocks

If your app is already installed on any Wix site, you should duplicate it before publishing it to the App Market. This will prevent any changes that you don't want to happen to your installed app. If your app was never installed on a user's site, you can skip this step. 

Step 2 | Click Publish App in Blocks

Click Publish App in the App menu in Blocks. A new tab opens with your app's page in the Wix Dev Center. 

Step 3 | Add your app's Market Listing

Provide the Wix Dev Center with all the information they need to publish your app. This includes:

  • App contact info
  • App icon
  • App teaser (one-line description) 
  • Three app features
  • App full description
  • App images
  • App search words
  • Privacy and security info

Every time you fill in one of these topics, the count of your Blockers will go down by one. 

Step 4 | Set your app's pricing

To sell your app, select a business model. Your app can be:

  • Free
  • Freemium
  • Premium
  • Dynamic Pricing

Learn more about pricing your Blocks app.

Step 5 | Submit your app for review

When you click Submit App in the Wix Dev Center, the team reviews your app. Since every app is reviewed manually, this takes some time. Note that during the review, your cannot build, duplicate or share your app in Blocks. 

Learn more about the review process

Step 6 | Your App is in the App Market!

When you app is approved, you can find it in the Wix App Market. You can install it on one or more sites on different Wix Editors to test how it works. 

Step 7 | Make changes as needed

If you want make changes in your app, you can build it again in Blocks and resubmit as needed.

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