Sample Use Case and Flow

This article presents a possible use case and corresponding sample flow that you can support. This can be a helpful jumping off point as you plan your implementation.

Portfolio flow: organize real estate property listings

You can use the Wix Portfolio APIs to organize and showcase property listings on a site, where each listing is represented as a project. You can also group listings into collections based on property types, such as 'Luxury Homes,' or 'Beachfront Properties'.

Step 1 | Set up portfolio settings

Call Create Portfolio Settings to define the portfolio settings for the property listings.

Step 2 | Create collections for property types

Call Create Collection to create collections for each property type. Save each collection ID, as you’ll need these IDs in later steps.

Step 3 | Listen for events when projects and project items are created

Listen for the Project Created and Project Item Created events to detect when projects and project items are created. Save the project IDs for a later step.

Step 4 | Wix user creates projects with media items for each property

The Wix user uses Wix Portfolio to create projects for each property listing. They can also add media items including images and videos to the projects. Each time they create a project, Wix Portfolio automatically calls Create Project with the project information to store the data. If media items are added to the project, Wix Portfolio automatically calls the Project Items API with the project items to store the data.

Step 5 | Categorize the projects into collections

Analyze the projects and their media items, then categorize them into the relevant collections. For each project, call Update Project with the relevant project ID and collection ID from previous steps to assign projects to specific collections.

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