Translation Published Content: Supported Filters and Sorting

This article covers field support for filtering and sorting in the Translation Published Content API.

The following table shows field support for filters and sorting for the translation published content object when using Query Published Content:

FieldRequiredSupported FiltersSortable
idNoeq, ne, exists, in, hasSome, startsWith, ascending, descendingSortable
schemaKey.appIdYeseq, ne, exists, in, hasSome, startsWith, ascending, descendingSortable
schemaKey.entityTypeYeseq, ne, exists, in, hasSome, startsWith, ascending, descendingSortable
schemaKey.scopeYeseq, ne, exists, in, hasSome, startsWith, ascending, descendingSortable
entityIdNoeq, ne, exists, in, hasSome, startsWith, ascending, descendingSortable
localeNoeq, ne, exists, in, hasSome, startsWith, ascending, descendingSortable
parentEntityIdNoeq, ne, exists, in, hasSome, startsWith, ascending, descendingSortable
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