Search Services

Developer Preview

This API is subject to change. Bug fixes and new features will be released based on developer feedback throughout the preview period.

Retrieves a list of up to 100 services, given the provided filtering, paging, and sorting.


Search Services has the following default settings, which you can override:

  • Sorted by createdDate in ascending order.
  • paging.limit set to 100.
  • paging.offset set to 0.


When using filters for dates, you must use UTC time.

Refer to the supported filters article (REST) for a complete list of supported filters and sorting options.

See also

To learn about working with Search methods, see API Query Language (SDK | REST) and Sorting and Paging (SDK | REST).

Manage Bookings Services and Settings
Manage Bookings - all permissions
Read Bookings - all read permissions
Manage Bookings
Read Bookings - Public Data
Read Bookings - Including Participants
Learn more about app permissions.

Body Params

WQL, search or aggregation expression.

Response Object
servicesArray <Service>

The retrieved services.


Cursor paging metadata


Response aggregation data

Search services
curl -X POST '' \ -H 'Authorization: <AUTH>' \ -d '{ "search": { "search": { "expression": "animals" } } }'
{ "services": [ { "id": "0f01e746-2943-4893-97a3-9d52d8e9e26e", "type": "APPOINTMENT", "sortOrder": 1, "name": "Personal Cat Hugging", "description": "Introducing the Purrfect Hug - the ultimate cat cuddling experience! Our team of expert cuddlers will come to your home and provide your furry feline with the warmest and snuggliest hugs around.", "tagLine": "Get some purr therapy with our cat hugging service!", "defaultCapacity": 1, "media": { "items": [], "mainMedia": { "image": { "id": "fb5af50cdfee49a7b8d87f340c969e90.jpg", "url": "fb5af50cdfee49a7b8d87f340c969e90.jpg", "height": 4000, "width": 6000, "filename": "fb5af50cdfee49a7b8d87f340c969e90.jpg" } } }, "hidden": false, "category": { "id": "0c54fbd3-9de6-4d2f-8775-e58eac5f5921", "name": "Our Services", "sortOrder": 0 }, "form": { "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" }, "payment": { "rateType": "FIXED", "fixed": { "price": { "value": "25", "currency": "USD" } }, "pricingPlansIds": [], "options": { "online": true, "inPerson": false, "deposit": false, "pricingPlan": false } }, "onlineBooking": { "enabled": true, "requireManualApproval": false, "allowMultipleRequests": false }, "staffMemberIds": ["76570209-101f-409b-af97-b445bdb63125"], "conferencing": { "enabled": false }, "locations": [ { "type": "CUSTOMER" } ], "bookingPolicy": { "id": "2a8cbc1b-7968-44e7-899a-d1df1ecbeefe", "revision": "3", "createdDate": "2023-04-11T08:51:43.025Z", "updatedDate": "2023-05-19T11:32:27.930Z", "name": "Default policy", "customPolicyDescription": { "enabled": false, "description": "" }, "default": true, "limitEarlyBookingPolicy": { "enabled": false, "earliestBookingInMinutes": 604800 }, "limitLateBookingPolicy": { "enabled": false, "latestBookingInMinutes": 1440 }, "bookAfterStartPolicy": { "enabled": false }, "cancellationPolicy": { "enabled": true, "limitLatestCancellation": false, "latestCancellationInMinutes": 1440 }, "reschedulePolicy": { "enabled": true, "limitLatestReschedule": false, "latestRescheduleInMinutes": 1440 }, "waitlistPolicy": { "enabled": false, "capacity": 10, "reservationTimeInMinutes": 10 }, "participantsPolicy": { "enabled": false, "maxParticipantsPerBooking": 1 }, "resourcesPolicy": { "enabled": false, "autoAssignAllowed": false } }, "schedule": { "id": "f986bc0e-ced0-48a7-8557-eb5c75c256cd", "availabilityConstraints": { "sessionDurations": [60], "timeBetweenSessions": 0 } }, "supportedSlugs": [ { "name": "personal-cat-hugging", "custom": false, "createdDate": "2023-02-15T14:40:47.408Z" }, { "name": "initial-in-home-consultation", "custom": false, "createdDate": "2023-02-15T11:58:20.313Z" } ], "mainSlug": { "name": "personal-cat-hugging", "custom": false, "createdDate": "2023-02-15T14:40:47.408Z" }, "urls": { "servicePage": { "relativePath": "/service-page/personal-cat-hugging", "url": "" }, "bookingPage": { "relativePath": "/book-online/personal-cat-hugging/book", "url": "" }, "calendarPage": { "relativePath": "/booking-calendar/personal-cat-hugging", "url": "" } } }, { "id": "353aa3b7-00ef-42bd-86ff-720d7ef60443", "type": "CLASS", "sortOrder": 0, "name": "Dog Yoga", "description": "Get ready to downward dog with your furry best friend! In this unique class, you and your pup will strike a pose and find your zen. With a mix of stretching, breathing exercises, and playtime, this class is sure to be a tail-waggin' good time. Whether you're a seasoned yogi or a pup-tastic beginner, this class is pawsitively perfect for all levels. Don't forget to bring your sense of humor, as there's sure to be a few doggy distractions and playful paw-terruptions along the way. Namaste!", "tagLine": "Unleash your zen with downward dog and a wagging tail in our pup-poseful yoga class!", "defaultCapacity": 50, "media": { "items": [], "mainMedia": { "image": { "id": "nsplsh_4d7639686a6e4555485234~mv2_d_3024_4032_s_4_2.jpg", "url": "nsplsh_4d7639686a6e4555485234~mv2_d_3024_4032_s_4_2.jpg", "height": 4032, "width": 3024, "filename": "nsplsh_4d7639686a6e4555485234~mv2_d_3024_4032_s_4_2.jpg" } } }, "hidden": false, "category": { "id": "7b5b9862-490f-491c-8477-d39baed078a1", "name": "Best for fun dogs", "sortOrder": 1 }, "form": { "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" }, "payment": { "rateType": "FIXED", "fixed": { "price": { "value": "15", "currency": "USD" } }, "pricingPlansIds": [], "options": { "online": true, "inPerson": false, "deposit": false, "pricingPlan": false } }, "onlineBooking": { "enabled": true, "requireManualApproval": false, "allowMultipleRequests": false }, "staffMemberIds": [], "conferencing": { "enabled": true }, "locations": [ { "type": "BUSINESS" } ], "bookingPolicy": { "id": "2a8cbc1b-7968-44e7-899a-d1df1ecbeefe", "revision": "3", "createdDate": "2023-04-11T08:51:43.025Z", "updatedDate": "2023-05-19T11:32:27.930Z", "name": "Default policy", "customPolicyDescription": { "enabled": false, "description": "" }, "default": true, "limitEarlyBookingPolicy": { "enabled": false, "earliestBookingInMinutes": 604800 }, "limitLateBookingPolicy": { "enabled": false, "latestBookingInMinutes": 1440 }, "bookAfterStartPolicy": { "enabled": false }, "cancellationPolicy": { "enabled": true, "limitLatestCancellation": false, "latestCancellationInMinutes": 1440 }, "reschedulePolicy": { "enabled": true, "limitLatestReschedule": false, "latestRescheduleInMinutes": 1440 }, "waitlistPolicy": { "enabled": false, "capacity": 10, "reservationTimeInMinutes": 10 }, "participantsPolicy": { "enabled": false, "maxParticipantsPerBooking": 1 }, "resourcesPolicy": { "enabled": false, "autoAssignAllowed": false } }, "schedule": { "id": "8acb939f-34d1-4ac9-8564-b24c29e11ef7", "firstSessionStart": "2023-02-13T15:30:00Z" }, "supportedSlugs": [ { "name": "dog-yoga", "custom": false, "createdDate": "2023-02-09T16:40:45.267Z" } ], "mainSlug": { "name": "dog-yoga", "custom": false, "createdDate": "2023-02-09T16:40:45.267Z" }, "urls": { "servicePage": { "relativePath": "/service-page/dog-yoga", "url": "" }, "bookingPage": { "relativePath": "/book-online/dog-yoga/book", "url": "" }, "calendarPage": { "relativePath": "/booking-calendar/dog-yoga", "url": "" } } } ], "pagingMetadata": { "count": 2, "cursors": {} } }

This method doesn’t return any custom errors, but may return standard errors. Learn more about standard Wix errors.

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