Disable Pricing Plans For Service

Removes a list of pricing plans ID (SDK | REST) from a service's payment.pricingPlanIds array.

If you remove all pricing plan IDs from payment.pricingPlanIds and the service supports only payments by pricing plan, customers will no longer be able to book the service, as they will have no payment options available.


You can only call this method when authenticated as a Wix app or Wix user identity.

Manage Bookings - all permissions
Manage Bookings
Learn more about app permissions.

Path Params

ID of the service to update.

Body Params
pricingPlanIdsArray <string>format GUIDmaxItems 75

IDs of the pricing plans (SDK | REST) to remove from the service's payment.pricingPlanIds array.

Response Object

Updated service.

Remove specific pricing plans as payment methods from a service
curl -X POST '' \ -H 'Authorization: <AUTH>' \ -d '{ "serviceId": "353aa3b7-00ef-42bd-86ff-720d7ef60443", "pricingPlanIds": ["e1ffe959-07a3-4000-be8c-79bf6d28cc2e"] }'
{ "pricingPlanIds": ["0044b1ad-2ab2-4a0e-a584-07e526b62cdb"], "service": { "id": "353aa3b7-00ef-42bd-86ff-720d7ef60443", "type": "CLASS", "sortOrder": 0, "name": "Dog Yoga", "description": "Get ready to downward dog with your furry best friend! In this unique class, you and your pup will strike a pose and find your zen. With a mix of stretching, breathing exercises, and playtime, this class is sure to be a tail-waggin' good time. Whether you're a seasoned yogi or a pup-tastic beginner, this class is pawsitively perfect for all levels. Don't forget to bring your sense of humor, as there's sure to be a few doggy distractions and playful paw-terruptions along the way. Namaste!", "tagLine": "Unleash your zen with downward dog and a wagging tail in our pup-poseful yoga class!", "defaultCapacity": 50, "media": { "items": [], "mainMedia": { "image": { "id": "nsplsh_4d7639686a6e4555485234~mv2_d_3024_4032_s_4_2.jpg", "url": "nsplsh_4d7639686a6e4555485234~mv2_d_3024_4032_s_4_2.jpg", "height": 4032, "width": 3024, "filename": "nsplsh_4d7639686a6e4555485234~mv2_d_3024_4032_s_4_2.jpg" } } }, "hidden": false, "category": { "id": "7b5b9862-490f-491c-8477-d39baed078a1", "name": "Best for fun dogs", "sortOrder": 1 }, "form": { "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" }, "payment": { "rateType": "FIXED", "fixed": { "price": { "value": "15", "currency": "USD" } }, "pricingPlansIds": [], "options": { "online": true, "inPerson": false, "deposit": false, "pricingPlan": false } }, "onlineBooking": { "enabled": true, "requireManualApproval": false, "allowMultipleRequests": false }, "staffMemberIds": [], "conferencing": { "enabled": true }, "locations": [ { "type": "BUSINESS" } ], "bookingPolicy": { "id": "2a8cbc1b-7968-44e7-899a-d1df1ecbeefe", "revision": "3", "createdDate": "2023-04-11T08:51:43.025Z", "updatedDate": "2023-05-19T11:32:27.930Z", "name": "Default policy", "customPolicyDescription": { "enabled": false, "description": "" }, "default": true, "limitEarlyBookingPolicy": { "enabled": false, "earliestBookingInMinutes": 604800 }, "limitLateBookingPolicy": { "enabled": false, "latestBookingInMinutes": 1440 }, "bookAfterStartPolicy": { "enabled": false }, "cancellationPolicy": { "enabled": true, "limitLatestCancellation": false, "latestCancellationInMinutes": 1440 }, "reschedulePolicy": { "enabled": true, "limitLatestReschedule": false, "latestRescheduleInMinutes": 1440 }, "waitlistPolicy": { "enabled": false, "capacity": 10, "reservationTimeInMinutes": 10 }, "participantsPolicy": { "enabled": false, "maxParticipantsPerBooking": 1 }, "resourcesPolicy": { "enabled": false, "autoAssignAllowed": false } }, "schedule": { "id": "8acb939f-34d1-4ac9-8564-b24c29e11ef7", "firstSessionStart": "2023-02-13T15:30:00Z" }, "supportedSlugs": [ { "name": "dog-yoga", "custom": false, "createdDate": "2023-02-09T16:40:45.267Z" } ], "mainSlug": { "name": "dog-yoga", "custom": false, "createdDate": "2023-02-09T16:40:45.267Z" }, "urls": { "servicePage": { "relativePath": "/service-page/dog-yoga", "url": "" }, "bookingPage": { "relativePath": "/book-online/dog-yoga/book", "url": "" }, "calendarPage": { "relativePath": "/booking-calendar/dog-yoga", "url": "" } } } }
400Invalid Argument

There is 1 error with this status code.

This method may also return standard errors. Learn more about standard Wix errors.

Event TriggersThis method triggers the following events:
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