Resource Object

idstringRead-onlyformat GUID

Resource ID.

namestringmaxLength 1200

Resource name.

emailstringmaxLength 500

Resource email address.

phonestringmaxLength 500

Resource phone number.

descriptionstringmaxLength 500

Resource description.

tagstringdeprecatedmaxLength 500

Deprecated. Please use tags.

tagsArray <string>maxLength 200

Resource tags. Tags are used to identify, group, and filter the different types of resources. For example, 'staff' or 'room'.

imagesArray <Image>

Resource images.

schedulesArray <Schedule>deprecated

Deprecated. Please use scheduleIds. List of the schedules owned by this resource. Min size 1.

scheduleIdsArray <string>Read-onlyformat GUID

List of IDs of schedules owned by this resource.


Resource status. Default: CREATED.

wixUserIdstringRead-onlyformat GUID

Wix user ID, if the resource is associated with the Wix user. A staff member resource can be associated with a Wix user via assignment of a permissions role in the business manager.

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