List Events By Member Id

Developer Preview

This API is subject to change. Bug fixes and new features will be released based on developer feedback throughout the preview period.

Retrieves a list of events filtered by the participant's member ID.

You can't set toLocalDate to a value that's more than a full year after fromLocalDate.

Manage Bookings - all permissions
Read Bookings - all read permissions
Manage Bookings
Read Bookings - Public Data
Read Bookings - Including Participants
Read Bookings Calendar Availability
Read bookings calendar - including participants
Read Bookings Calendar
Manage Calendars
Read Calendar - Including PI
Read Calendar
Learn more about app permissions.

Path Params

ID of the member to retrieve events for. Required, unless you provide cursorPaging. Provide me to retrieve events for the currently logged-in member. You must have the Read Calendars - Including PI permission scope to retrieve events for members who aren't the currently logged in member.

Query Params

Local start date and time from which events are returned in ISO-8601 format. For example, 2024-01-30T13:30:00. Required if neither cursorPaging is provided nor a non-empty eventIds array.

Events that start before the fromLocalDate but end after it are included in the results. Must be earlier than toLocalDate.


Local end date and time up to which events are returned in ISO-8601 format. For example, 2024-01-30T13:30:00. Can't be more than a full year after fromLocalDate. Required if neither cursorPaging is provided nor a non-empty eventIds array.

Events that start before toLocalDate but end after it are included in the results. Must be later than fromLocalDate.


Time zone in IANA tz database format for fromLocalDate, toLocalDate, and for calculating adjustedStart and adjustedEnd. For example, America/New_York or UTC.

Default: timeZone specified in the business site properties.


App ID to filter events by.

cursorPaging.limitintegerminimum 1maximum 100format int32

Number of events to return. Defaults to 50. Maximum 100.


Pointer to the next or previous page in the list of results.

You can get the relevant cursor token from the pagingMetadata object in the previous call's response. Not relevant for the first request.

eventIdsArray <string>

IDs of the events to retrieve. If you provide a list of IDs, all other filters are ignored.

Max: 100 eventIds

Response Object
eventsArray <Event>

Retrieved events.


Paging metadata.

List Events By Member Id
curl -X GET \ '' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'Authorization: <AUTH>'
{ "events": [ { "id": "10LYaoIDRso8lqq8LOipCexT6zGC75sye8coEGvmZm4pJw3YyZJTWYfK0uvlC1fpTlDtRIsmhSmo1Y9eKla5VRhwx60ClPGXOl7kCebvF02PKpGEZaFB8LY", "scheduleId": "a96c3c31-c9fc-495d-b55b-40c694fe196c", "externalScheduleId": "0cc230a0-9158-4c5e-a5da-9161bed0f6b1", "scheduleName": "Pump It Up", "type": "CLASS", "status": "CONFIRMED", "title": "Pump It Up", "start": { "localDate": "2024-10-09T12:00:00", "timeZone": "Europe/Dublin", "utcDate": "2024-10-09T11:00:00Z" }, "end": { "localDate": "2024-10-09T13:00:00", "timeZone": "Europe/Dublin", "utcDate": "2024-10-09T12:00:00Z" }, "adjustedStart": { "localDate": "2024-10-09T12:00:00", "timeZone": "Europe/Dublin" }, "adjustedEnd": { "localDate": "2024-10-09T13:00:00", "timeZone": "Europe/Dublin" }, "timeZone": "Europe/Dublin", "recurrenceType": "EXCEPTION", "recurrenceRule": { "frequency": "WEEKLY", "interval": 1, "days": ["WEDNESDAY"] }, "recurringEventId": "a96c3c31c9fc495db55b40c694fe196cb180373a5eb045a391e669fd19263666", "transparency": "OPAQUE", "location": { "type": "BUSINESS" }, "resources": [ { "id": "76570209-101f-409b-af97-b445bdb63125", "name": "Staff Member #1", "type": "1cd44cf8-756f-41c3-bd90-3e2ffcaf1155", "scheduleId": "e73bf671-bb59-4488-8d1f-afcf0ebe8d27", "transparency": "OPAQUE", "permissionRole": "WRITER" } ], "totalCapacity": 40, "remainingCapacity": 37, "participants": { "total": 3, "list": [ { "contactId": "5f4a86c5-fadf-427e-96e7-d57c14a4f49d" } ], "hasMore": false, "status": "UNKNOWN_STATUS" }, "inheritedFields": [ "TITLE", "CAPACITY", "LOCATION", "TIME_ZONE", "CONFERENCING_DETAILS", "RESOURCES", "TIME" ], "appId": "13d21c63-b5ec-5912-8397-c3a5ddb27a97", "permissions": [], "revision": "4", "createdDate": "2024-10-07T09:29:06.670Z", "updatedDate": "2024-10-07T09:29:06.688Z" }, { "id": "130o4ncdcmm8csGKUihodsF8Lnx5vQuUmP9uqeurIYireDpysq5nOxSIMvXKf80QrOXzc09i1GXRepTUj2L01bzmifAqWHwp2pTmmtR3TmHJx7Tv6ODrmgS", "scheduleId": "ea54fba1-8bad-4d1a-992a-a0fc772c6b46", "externalScheduleId": "c84d2eb2-925e-49d8-910a-280473629415", "scheduleName": "Zumba", "type": "CLASS", "status": "CONFIRMED", "title": "Zumba", "start": { "localDate": "2024-10-21T14:00:00", "timeZone": "Europe/Dublin", "utcDate": "2024-10-21T13:00:00Z" }, "end": { "localDate": "2024-10-21T15:00:00", "timeZone": "Europe/Dublin", "utcDate": "2024-10-21T14:00:00Z" }, "adjustedStart": { "localDate": "2024-10-21T14:00:00", "timeZone": "Europe/Dublin" }, "adjustedEnd": { "localDate": "2024-10-21T15:00:00", "timeZone": "Europe/Dublin" }, "timeZone": "Europe/Dublin", "recurrenceType": "EXCEPTION", "recurrenceRule": { "frequency": "WEEKLY", "interval": 1, "days": ["MONDAY"], "until": { "localDate": "2024-10-28T23:59:59", "timeZone": "Europe/Dublin", "utcDate": "2024-10-28T23:59:59Z" }, "adjustedUntil": { "localDate": "2024-10-28T23:59:59", "timeZone": "Europe/Dublin" } }, "recurringEventId": "ea54fba18bad4d1a992aa0fc772c6b464bed42954e3844f3b0d9e837d10b71b7", "transparency": "OPAQUE", "location": { "type": "BUSINESS" }, "resources": [ { "id": "91ce3170-9109-4d9e-bdb6-d2613691b4a2", "name": "Hanna", "type": "1cd44cf8-756f-41c3-bd90-3e2ffcaf1155", "scheduleId": "d04584d4-fe3a-4a3e-b71c-4640f604fb95", "transparency": "OPAQUE", "permissionRole": "WRITER" } ], "totalCapacity": 50, "remainingCapacity": 45, "participants": { "total": 5, "list": [ { "contactId": "5f4a86c5-fadf-427e-96e7-d57c14a4f49d" } ], "hasMore": false, "status": "UNKNOWN_STATUS" }, "inheritedFields": ["CONFERENCING_DETAILS"], "appId": "13d21c63-b5ec-5912-8397-c3a5ddb27a97", "permissions": [], "revision": "8", "createdDate": "2024-10-07T09:10:24.739Z", "updatedDate": "2024-10-07T09:17:26.066Z" } ], "pagingMetadata": { "count": 2, "cursors": {}, "hasNext": false } }

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