Payment Methods

This table lists the payment methods supported by Wix. Wix uses the payment method names in this table when sending requests to a Payment Service Provider's Create Transaction endpoint.

alipayLargest 3rd-party online payment solution for Chinese websites.
creditCardAccept payments with credit and debit cards. Fees vary between payment service providers.
iDealPayment method for websites in the Netherlands that lets you accept direct bank transfers from customers.
mercadoPagoPopular in Latin America, Mercado Pago lets you accept credit and debit cards, Boleto Bancario, OXXO, and other payment methods.
pagSeguroPopular Brazilian payment method for accepting credit and debit cards, bank transfers, and Boleto Bancario.
payPalAccept payments from customers with a PayPal account.
sofortOnline Bank Transfer payment method for European websites that lets you accept payment from customers via direct online bank transfer.
convenienceStoreAllow customers to make payments at their local convenience store.
payEasyAllow customers to make payments at their ATM machine and online with their bank.
privat24Accept payments from Visa and Mastercard debit/credit cards. Simple integration, comprehensive anti-fraud system, 24/7 support.
uniPayLet customers in Georgia pay you with UniPAY and QRPAY along with major credit and debit cards.
iyzicoEasy, safe and regulated payment management platform for e-commerce companies in Turkey.
bankTransferAllow customers to make payments at their ATM machine and online with their bank.
mobilePaymentAccept payments over your local mobile operator.
unionpayMajor card scheme in mainland China offering mobile and online payments. UnionPay provides bank card services. allows Bulgaria-based customers to order goods and services and initiate bank transfers on the web.
przelewy24Przelewy24 lets you accept payment via online bank transfer.
poliPayment method in Australia and New Zealand that lets you accept payment from customers via direct online bank transfer.
netpayAccept payments by bank transfer in Austria.
sepasepa description
giropayPayment method in Germany that lets you accept payments via direct online bank transfer.
rapidTransferInstant bank transfer solution that lets customers pay directly from their bank account without leaving your website.
paysafecashPaysafecash lets customers pay securely and easily with cash for purchases from your website.
dpoDPO’s highly secure payment platform makes payments simple by allowing businesses to accept credit cards, mobile payments, and cross-border payments.
skrillSkrill Digital Wallet lets customers make swift and convenient online payments from anywhere.
skrillCreditcardAccept payments with credit and debit cards.
paysafecardPrepaid voucher that consumers have to buy either at a partner store or an online shop before they can start purchasing online.
klarnaKlarna offers flexible payments via a seamless integration solution that increases consumer purchasing power, leading to higher average order value (AOV) and conversion rates.
portmoneUkrainian payment gateway that allows customers to pay with credit cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and more.
titreRestaurantConecsNetworkTitre-Restaurant Conecs lets customers make food and beverage purchases using meal voucher cards. If a purchase is greater than the voucher's €19 daily limit, the customer can pay the difference using another debit or credit card.
ticketRestaurantEdenredNetworkticketRestaurantEdenredNetwork description
bancontactMistercashbancontactMistercash description
multibancoMultibanco lets customers use vouchers to make purchases on your site. After using a voucher, customers have 7 days to validate their purchase through a Multibanco ATM or their online bank.
myBankOverlay banking system covering several European countries. It allows you to accept payment from European customers via online banking.
facilyPayOneyfacilyPayOney description
weChatPayPayment solution used by Chinese customers around the world.
singaporeBankTransferSingapore Bank Transfer allows you to accept payment from customers via direct bank transfer in Singapore.
philippineBankTransferPhilippine Bank Transfer allows you to accept payment from customers via direct bank transfer in Philippine.
indonesiaBankTransferIndonesia Bank Transfer allows you to accept payment from customers via direct bank transfer in Indonesia.
vietnamBankTransferVietnam Bank Transfer allows you to accept payment from customers via direct bank transfer in Vietnam.
boletoLet customers in Brazil easily pay you using unique banking tickets called Boletos.
bancontactPayment method for websites in Belgium that lets you accept payments from customers via credit card and direct online bank transfer.
peachPaymentThe Peach Payments extension for Wix is a payment plugin built for Africa. It's free to install and allows you to easily accept various payment methods, including credit/debit cards for Visa, Mastercard, and American Express as well as bank transfers via EFTSecure and Ozow. It has integrated mobile & electronic wallets and installment plans.
applePayLet customers instantly buy products with their Apple devices. Open to Wix Stores users only.
visaQRVisa QR description
paystackPaystack helps businesses in Africa get paid by anyone, anywhere in the world.
bankfulAccept credit/debit cards from customers around the world, including for high-risk businesses.
afterpayPartner with the most loved way to pay. Afterpay provides your shoppers the ability to pay for their orders in 4 instalments with no interest charged.
payTRBy installing the PayTR payment infrastructure, you can receive payments from your customers with all cards.
uapayUAPAY lets customers make payments with international cards like Visa and MasterCard as well as with the PROSTIR National Payment System.
laybuyPayments service that gives customers the option to ‘Buy now, Pay later’ in 6 weekly, interest-free installments.
razorpayRazorpay is the only payments solution in India to accept, process and disburse payments with its product suite. Accepts credit/debit cards, netbanking, UPI and popular wallets.
googlePayA digital wallet solution for quick, easy, and secure payments online and in stores.
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