About the Resource Types V2 API

The Resource Types V2 API allows you to classify resources that a business needs to provide services to customers. This classification ensures that Wix Bookings can automatically check availability and help avoid double bookings. Examples of resource types include rooms, equipment, vehicles, or any other custom asset type requiring scheduling and availability management.

With the Resource Types V2 API, you can create, retrieve, count, and update resource types.

To manage staff, use the Staff Members API (SDK | REST). Wix Bookings automatically classifies staff members in a resource type, which can't be managed with the Resource Types V2 API.

Before you begin

It’s important to note the following points before starting to code:

  • Wix Bookings must be installed on a site before you can use the Resource Types API.
  • To ensure a resource (SDK | REST) is bookable and to prevent double bookings, it must be linked to a resource type. Customers can only book a service (SDK | REST) if at least 1 resource of each required type is available during the selected time.
  • Wix Bookings automatically manages a resource type for every staff member (SDK | REST). To avoid data conflicts, don't use the Resources V2 (SDK | REST) and Resource Types V2 (SDK | REST) APIs to manage staff.

Use Cases

  • Create a resource type with bookable resources (SDK | REST).


  • Resource: An asset or entity that a business needs to provide services to customers. For example, a specific meeting room or piece of equipment.
  • Resource type: A classification that links resources, making them bookable.
  • Staff member: An individual providing a service within Wix Bookings.

For a comprehensive glossary of Wix Bookings terms, see Terminology (SDK | REST).

See also

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