About the Wix Inventory API

The Wix Inventory API allows developers to manage inventory for products in Wix Ecommerce stores efficiently.

This API provides extensive functionalities to handle inventory items across multiple products, variants and in multiple locations, ensuring that store owners can track and update their stock levels seamlessly.

With the Wix Inventory API, your app can:

  • Manage and update inventory items, ensuring accurate stock levels and availability.
  • Retrieve information about existing inventory items.

Before you begin

It’s important to note the following points before starting to code:

  • The site owner must have the Wix Stores app installed.
  • Your app has the necessary permissions to access the Inventory items API.

Sample flows


  1. Tracking Method: Specifies whether an inventory item is available for sale without quantity tracking or tracks the current quantity left in inventory.
  2. Pre Order: A status indicating that an item is available to be ordered before it is in stock, with shipments occurring once inventory becomes available.
  3. Location: See Stores Locations.
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