About the Groups Roles API

The Groups Roles API provides functionality for managing roles of group members.

With the Groups Roles API, you can:

  • Assign a role to specific group members.
  • Unassign a role from specific group members.

Role types

The types of roles available are ADMIN and MEMBER. A group member's role affects which permissions they have. For example, in a group with settings.allowedToApproveJoinRequests set to OWNER_AND_ADMINS, group members with role.value set to MEMBER will not be allowed to approve Join Group Requests.

Before you begin

It is important to note that only group admins can call the methods in this module.


  • Site member: Site visitor that is logged in but is not a group member.
  • Group member: Site member that has joined a group.
  • Group admin: Group member, Wix user, or Wix app with group management permissions. The member that creates a group is automatically a group admin. Also, Wix users are always group admins for all groups on their site.
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