Updates an order's checkoutForm
and/or archived
You can only call this method when authenticated as a Wix app or Wix user identity.
Event ID.
Unique order number.
Set of field paths to update.
Checkout form.
Whether order is archived.
Updated order.
curl -X PATCH 'https://api.wix.com/events/v1/events/619d52c0-c93b-4155-a55c-108048f20b3f/orders/FM9X-EHKF-ZO' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: <AUTH TOKEN>' \
-d @- << EOF
"fields": {
"paths": [
"checkoutForm": {
"inputValues": [
"inputName": "firstName",
"value": "JonnyJohn"
"inputName": "lastName",
"value": "DoudyDoe"
"inputName": "email",
"value": "john.doe@somedomain.com"
"order": {
"orderNumber": "FM9X-EHKF-ZO",
"reservationId": "89f8cce3-d6aa-4b5d-a3ae-1667d81ceb8d",
"snapshotId": "f16f73a4-9c62-4f66-a4d2-2a01fe45fc96",
"eventId": "619d52c0-c93b-4155-a55c-108048f20b3f",
"contactId": "a5146d63-9f90-49d2-9979-34506942a02e",
"memberId": "",
"created": "2020-04-07T06:42:35.381Z",
"firstName": "JonnyJohn",
"lastName": "DoudyDoe",
"email": "john.doe@somedomain.com",
"checkoutForm": {
"inputValues": [
"inputName": "firstName",
"value": "JonnyJohn"
"inputName": "lastName",
"value": "DoudyDoe"
"inputName": "email",
"value": "john.doe@somedomain.com"
"confirmed": true,
"status": "PAID",
"method": "payPal",
"ticketsQuantity": 1,
"totalPrice": {
"amount": "10.00",
"currency": "EUR"
"ticketsPdf": "<url_to_pdf>",
"tickets": [
"ticketNumber": "FM9X-EHKF-ZO021",
"orderNumber": "FM9X-EHKF-ZO",
"ticketDefinitionId": "0abf130e-2157-4131-a164-72c849d3f142",
"name": "VIP enterance",
"price": {
"amount": "10.00",
"currency": "EUR"
"free": false,
"policy": "This is your event ticket. Ticket holders must present their tickets on entry. Looking forward to seeing you there!",
"checkInUrl": "https://www.wixevents.com/check-in/FM9X-EHKF-ZO021,619d52c0-c93b-4155-a55c-108048f20b3f",
"orderStatus": "PAID",
"orderArchived": false,
"orderFullName": "JonnyJohn DoudyDoe",
"guestFullName": "Sarah Doe",
"guestDetails": {
"guestAssigned": true,
"firstName": "Sarah",
"lastName": "Doe",
"email": "sarah.doe@somedomain.com",
"form": {
"inputValues": [
"inputName": "email",
"value": "sarah.doe@somedomain.com"
"inputName": "lastName",
"value": "Doe"
"inputName": "firstName",
"value": "Sarah"
"contactId": "8777c2c8-d46e-466c-b602-e5144e2cb588"
"archived": false,
"ticketPdfUrl": "<url_to_pdf>",
"anonymized": false
"archived": false,
"anonymized": false,
"fullName": "JonnyJohn DoudyDoe",
"fullyCheckedIn": false,
"transactionId": "de57fc42-d98c-4715-8627-65e0bc0b36af"
There is 1 error with this status code.
This method may also return standard errors. Learn more about standard Wix errors.