About Sender Emails

Developer Preview
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When sending an email campaign, you are required to confirm your email address to ensure that your letter reaches its destination. With the Sender Email API, you can create and verify "from" and "reply-to" email addresses for your email campaign. Once verified, these emails are used to create and manage different senders using the Sender Details API.

With the Sender Emails API you can:

Sender email verification flow

The following steps describe the process for verifying an email address using the Sender Email API:

  1. Call Create Sender Email and specify the email address you'd like to use.
  2. Call Send Verification Code and check your inbox for the verification code.
  3. Use the received verification code to call Verify Sender Email and verify the email address.

Before you begin

It's important to note the following:

  • You'll get the verification code to the email address you specify, so ensure you have access to that inbox.
  • If you haven't received your code, check the spam folder. If it's not there, try sending the verification email again.
  • Usually, your verified email address will be used as both the "from" and "reply-to" address. However, there are cases where campaigns are sent from an authenticated address owned by Wix:
    • When your verified email uses a publicly available mailbox provider domain, such as @gmail, @yahoo, or @outlook. For example, if your email is pianosinfo@gmail.com it will appear as the "reply-to" address, while the "from" address will be something like pianos@pb01.wixemails.com or pianos@wixsiteautomations.com. This ensures that your email reaches your recipients' inbox rather than their junk folder or being rejected entirely.
    • When the domain of your verified email is not properly authenticated and has a strict DMARC policy configured.

Use Cases and Flows


  • Campaign: A single, organized effort to send marketing emails to a list of recipients.
  • Sender Email: The "sent from" email address used in email campaigns.
  • Reply-to Email: The email address where recipients can send their replies to a marketing campaign.
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