Sample Use Cases and Flows

This article presents possible use cases and corresponding sample flows that your app can support. It provides a useful starting point as you plan your app's implementation.

Translate English content in your app to French

If you're developing a delivery service app, the Wix user may want to translate content from the primary language (English) into a secondary language (French). They have two schemas, one for restaurant delivery and one for catering delivery. The content they want to translate includes delivery instructions, special notes for couriers, and customer communications. Follow the flow below to get started:

  1. Prepare the content for translation
    Use the Create Schema method to create schemas for both restaurant and catering delivery. In each schema, define all the fields that will require translation.

  2. Collect the original user-generated content
    Prompt the Wix user to provide the original content in the site's primary language (English) for each schema. Call the BulkCreateContent method to save this collected content. This content will serve as the baseline for future translations.

    Example request:

  3. Translate the content to French
    The Wix user can translate the content manually or using their preferred translation service. Once translated, they can add the French content through the Translation Manager. The Translation Manager automatically calls the API to store the translations and mark them as ready to publish.

  4. Update as needed
    If there are updates to the primary or secondary locale content, repeat the process to keep all content up-to-date. Call Query Contents to check for existing content, and either Bulk Update Content or Bulk Create Content to add or update the translation content.

Update default app content with user generated content

Let's say you're developing an app that provides original default FAQ content in English for Wix users. The Wix user may prefer to update this default content with their own original content.

  1. Your app provides English FAQs as boilerplate content. Call the Create Content method to store this default content.

  2. Prompt the Wix user to replace the default content in the Translation Manager with their own custom content.

  3. Listen for the Content Updated event to make sure the Wix user has entered their custom content.

  4. Call the Update Content method to replace the default FAQ content in your app with the Wix user's content.

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