About the Schedule Time Frames API

The Schedule Time Frames API allows you to keep track of when schedules start and end.

With the Schedule Time Frames API, you can:

  • Retrieve schedule time frames.
  • Track in real-time when a schedule time frame is updated.

For example, Wix Bookings uses the Schedule Time Frames API to determine when courses start and end.

For more in-depth scheduling management, see:

Before you begin

It’s important to note the following points before starting to code:

  • You can't update a schedule time frame. You can retrieve it and get notified in real-time when it's modified.


  • Schedule time frame: Defines the first and last event dates within a schedule and indicates whether any events recur indefinitely.
  • Recurring event: Event that repeats based on a pattern defined by a recurrence rule. For example, weekly yoga classes or regular staff working hours. Recurring events can either end on a specified date or continue indefinitely. Learn more about recurring events.
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